Pages that contain a file saved in the Shockwave Flash (.swf) format will need a plug in to display the file. If your browser does not already have it, you can download it for free by visiting the Macromedia Flash download page.

To use the features of the .swf format you simply move your mouse over the image and click the right button on your mouse (Mac users use control click) to bring up an options box like this,

Macromedia Flash menu
you will then be able to access all of the features associated with this file type. To print the image only simply select Print from the menu. To enlarge the image select Zoom from the menu. To return the image to its original size select Show All from the menu. To navigate a zoomed image just click, hold, and drag your left mouse button to move around the image as shown below.

Animated .gif file showing how to pan a Flash image