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20th Annual Surface Mined Land Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminar
Indiana Society of Mining and Reclamation - 2006 Presentations
Click here for the meeting agenda.
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Monday, 4 December 2006
401/404 – Permitting & Stream Assessments
- Jason Randolph, Southern Area Project Manager, IN Dept. of Environmental Management.
Provides an overview of the water quality certification process & what is regulated, discusses the States water quality standards in relation to the certification process, and will provide information & guidance on application submittal process & compensatory mitigation requirements to ensure compliance.
- Michael Ricketts - Team Leader
- Russell Retherford - Regulatory Specialist
- George DeLancey
Discusses regulatory authority and jurisdictional information; types of permits; Coal Mining NWPs; Compliance, and Enforcement.
Communication & Outreach in the Coal Fields
- Mike Gauldin - Communications Chief, Office of Surface Mining, Washington D.C.
How to give the proper information in the correct manner the first time by listening and responding in one-on-one situations, conducting effective meetings, and having a media relations plan.
Additional separate video clips are unavailable due to space constraints.
Blasting Procedures
Door Way Diplomacy-One on One Communications
- Jack McGriffin, IN DNR Div. of Reclamation
Explores & practices listening techniques; examine the process of first defining the issues or questions at hand; and learn a 1-2-3 method of delivering a perfect response resulting in enhanced communication skills.
Pre/Post Blast Surveys & Damage Claims
- Rob Pippin, Pippin Associates
Using pre and post blast surveys to respond to blast damage claims.
Drilling & Blasting 101: Past-Present-Future - PowerPoint unavailable
- John Wiegand, Technical Services Manager, Vibronics Inc.
- Steve Weinzapfel - Indiana DNR, Division of Reclamation
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Recent Key Developments in the Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting
- Karen Bennett - Director of Water Quality, National Mining Association.
Changes in Corps mitigation policy, jurisdiction post-Rapanos, the proposed revisions to nationwide permits, and status of key cases they have pending.
Economic and Public Health Benefits of Coal Utilization
- Eugene M. Trisko - Attorney representing the Center for Energy & Economic Development.
Potential premature mortality impact of reduced coal use & pending climate legislation; macro economic output, income & employment benefits; and offsetting benefits of investing in renewable energy sources.
Vincennes University Miner Training Program
- Ron Bucci - Director of Mining Program, Vincennes University
Information on the new degree program in Mining Technology, as well as the Miner Safety and Health Training, provided through the MSHA State Grants program.
Communications with the Public & Press - No PowerPoint available
- Mike Gauldin, Communications Chief, Office of Surface Mining,Washington DC.
Overview of what and what not to do when communicating with the public and media.
Dealing with Permits, Regulations & Public Emotions
- Dan Barkley, Subsidence Specialist, IL DNR, Land Reclamation Division.
Dealing with permitting issues when high levels of emotions are involved.
- Chad Barras - Midwest Safety Director, Peabody Coal Company
Discussion of current safety regulations, initiatives and potential rulemakings as they relate to altering current safety provisions.
Recent Developments in Coal Geology at the Indiana Geological Survey
- Dr. John Steinmetz, State Geologist, Indiana Geological Survey.
Suitability for Indiana coals for gasification, coking, coal-bed methane & carbon dioxide sequestration potential. AML studies on long-term geochemical effects; preservation, scanning & digitization of historic coal mine maps; and new study in slurry pond inventory.
Overview of Office of Surface Mining Activities of the Past Year
- Charles Sandburg, Mid-Continent Region Director, Office of Surface Mining.
Discussion on technical initiatives including makeup and operation of the Technology Transfer Program, the Applied Science Program, and the future.
The Future of Illinois Basin Coal as Feedstock for Transportation Fuel
- Tom Sparrow, Director of Coal Transformation Laboratory, The Energy Center at Discovery Park, Purdue University.
Latest information on potential uses of Indiana coal in the production of transportation fuels.
Background, Development and Contents of the PHC/CHIA Technical Reference Document
- Debbie Dale, Hydrologist, Mid-Continent Region - Office of Surface Mining
- Presented by Brian Hicks - Office of Surface Mining
Provides information from the MCR’s draft technical reference document on predicting possible hydrologic impacts of a proposed mining operation and evaluating hydrologic conditions for bond release.
- Nelson Shaffer, Coal & Industrial Minerals Head, Indiana Geological Survey.
Overview of the many alternative uses available for coal.
- Kim Vories, Natural Resources Specialist/Technology Transfer, Mid-Continent Region, Office of Surface Mining.
The report lists 40 findings or recommendations under 12 categories. This presentation addresses the findings on a case by case basis to evaluate their merits against data and studies.
Additionally, you can read his technical review paper here.