Main Content
18th Annual Surface Mined Land Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminar
Indiana Society of Mining and Reclamation - 2004 Presentations
- 2004 ISMR Handout
- 2004 ISMR Presentation
- Abstracts and Bios
- Real Time Monitoring of Subsidence along I-70, Washington, PA,
D. Kevin M.O'Connor - Performance of Northern Red Oak on Former Surface Coal Mines: Influence of Stocktype, Controlled-Release Fertilizer, and Mycorrhizal Inoculation
Douglass F. Jacobs and Anthony S. Davis - Air Regulatory Update: Mercury and PM2.5
Janet McCabe - Mercury Issues for Coal-Fired Power Plants: Emissions, Fate and Health Effects, Controls
George Offen - Maximizing the Value of Large Tracts of Land in a Timely Manner
RD Schrader and Brad Horrall - Charlie B. Lee
- Lee Ann Devine
- Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium
Paul Ziemkiewicz and Tamara Vandivort