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22nd Annual Surface Mined Land Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminar
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Monday, December 8 2008
NPDES Permitting & Reporting: Spill Prevention Control;
Countermeasures & Reporting; and
Overview of Hach Water Testing Equipment Usage:
- Rose McDaniel, IDEM
- Andy Stinchfield, IDEM
- Catherine Hess, IDEM
- Brian Simpkiss, Hach Co.
New Ways of Seeing into the Earth (previously called Technologies in the 21st Century):
- Michael Sharp, OK Conservation District
- Christopher Stohr, IL Geological Survey
- Deborah Dale, OSM-Alton, Borehole video here
- Alan Witte, Martin-Marietta
- Nelson Shaffer, IN Geological Survey.
Blaster Retraining:
- Robert McClure, R.A. McClure Inc.
- Michael (Mick) Fritz, Carbo*Prill
- John Brown, Drill & Blast Solutions
- Michael Piechocki, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Tuesday, December 9th 2008
Update on the Indiana Geological Survey
- Dr. John Steinmetz, State Geologist, Indiana Geological Survey
Update on the latest programs and accomplishments of the Indiana Geological Survey.
Office of Surface Mining Update
- Andy Gilmore, Chief-Alton Field Division
Office of Surface Mining. 2008 initiatives including technology transfer, rule changes, AML funding increases, and research.
Reconnaissance of Coal Slurry Deposits in Indiana
- Denver Harper, Geologist-Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, Indiana Geological Survey
Overview of a project to map coal-slurry deposits and estimate their volumes using aerial imagery, geological records, and geographic information systems (GIS).
Underground Coal Gasification
- Marty Irwin, Director, Center for Coal Technology Research, Purdue University
The latest breakthroughs on underground coal gasification for energy uses.
Renewables as Use for Carbon Credits
- Heath Norrick, Manager-Renewable Energy, Hoosier Energy
What Hoosier Energy is doing toward renewable energy and its use in carbon credits.
Problems with Carbon Dioxide Infiltration into Residences Constructed Upon Reclaimed Surface Mines
- William Ehler, Project Manager-Federal Reclamation Project Division, Office of Surface Mining, Appalachian Region Office
Overview on carbon dioxide problems found in homes built on surface mined land.
Latest Innovations in Stream Restoration
- George Athanasakes, Ecosystem Restoration Practice Leader, Stantec, Inc.
Most recent experiences and innovations in restoration of streams.
The Appalachian Region Reforestation Initiative and the Forestry Reclamation Approach
- Vic Davis, Forester, Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative, Office of Surface Mining
Highly productive forestland can be created on reclaimed mine land using a Forestry Reclamation Approach leading to multiple benefits, including carbon sequestration, timber production, and much more.
OSM’s Proposed Coal Combustion By-Products Rule
- John Craynon, Chief, Division of Regulatory Support, OSM, Washington D.C.
The latest information on OSM’s Potential Coal Ash Rule.
Indiana Coal Bed Methane Issues: Ownership of CBM; CBM-Coal Production Conflicts; Appurtenant Right Limitations Based on Severance Lines
- John E. Rhine, partner, Rhine Ernest LLP
Focuses on 3 areas of the law which are of great current interest:
- ownership of coal bed methane in Indiana
- conflicts between CBM production & protection of coal reserves and
- Appurtenant surface rights limitation with specific application to CBM operators, especially with regard to access and pipelines.
Overview of New MSHA Rules & Regulations—What is in Effect and What’s to Come
- David Whitcomb, Assistant District Manager (Technical), Mine Safety & Health Administration
New law requirements and the initiatives pertaining to them.
Caol Gasification Energy Products for Indiana
- Gerald Hill, Senior Engineer, Science Applications, International Corporation at Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Initiatives in the coal to liquids energy field.