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Military Family Relief Fund

The MFRF standard emergency grant may be used by the families for needs such as food, housing, utilities, medical services, transportation and other essential family support expenses which have become difficult to afford. A grant up to $2,500 may be awarded.

The MFRF COVID-19 emergency grant may used on a case-by-case basis by families for up to two months of household needs such as food, housing, utilities, medical services, childcare and other essential family support which has become difficult to afford due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Applications for a Military Relief Fund Grant

Documents included in the application:

Documents required from veteran:

  • DD-214
  • Statement letter signed by the veteran (explaining situation and how the military contributed to their current hardship OR proof of hardship as a result of COVID-19 such as job loss)
  • Current bills, invoices, estimates, etc.
  • Last month bank statements
  • Evidence of income (pay stubs, VA compensation, SSA, retirement, cash assistance, unemployment, etc.)
  • Prior Year W-2's
  • Most recent tax return 1040 form
  • Evidence of assets

Eligibility Criteria

  • Indiana Resident
  • Time in Service (12 months of qualifying service)
  • Discharge Type (Honorable or Under Honorable Conditions)
  • Serving or served during a War Time or National Conflict

Additionally, for applicants applying for COVID-19:

  • Removal of the requirement that the veteran’s hardship must have occurred as a result of their military service.
  • Removal of the required periods of war or conflict.
  • Modification of the $2,500 lifetime limit to allow the IDVA director to approve MFRF requests in excess of $2,500.
  • Removal of veteran’s ability to only utilize the fund to the total of $2,500, allowing veterans who have previously used the fund to apply for the MFRF COVID-19 relief.

Financial Criteria

  • Federal gross income cRannot exceed two (2) times the U.S Federal Poverty Guideline
  • OR Veteran must have written documentation proving that their position and/or job has been affected by COVID-19, e.g. a letter from an employer, a letter from a supplier.
  • Proof of hardship as a result of COVID-19, e.g. a letter from an employer on official letterhead detailing a period in which the veteran will lose income as a result of COVID-19.

Hardship Criteria

  • The hardship incurred by the applicant must be a reasonable and logical consequence of the applicant’s service in the Armed Forces or the National Guard 
  • OR the hardship incurred by the applicant must be a reasonable and logical consequence of COVID-19 (for COVID special application)
  • Directly impacts the applicant's most central and basic living needs

Amount of Assistance

  • Standard application is a lifetime maximum of $2,500 in total assistance from the grant 
  • For the COVID-19 special application, the director may approve additional funds even if the applicant has received assistance in the past from the standard MFRF

Complete Application

  • The department may deny an incomplete application if all required documentation is NOT received within thirty (30) days of the first submission


  • Veteran may appeal any decision to the VA Commission

The MFRF may provide grants to veterans and their dependent family members who are experiencing financial hardship. In general, funds may be used for:

  • Food
  • Housing
  • Utilities
  • Medical expenses
  • Basic transportation
  • Childcare
  • Education & employment assistance
  • Other essential family support expenses
  • Any other items will be considered on a case by case basis

MFRF funds cannot be used for:

  • Personal debts and loans to include, but not limited for credit cards, payday loans, student loans, loans from family & friends, etc.
  • Phone, internet and cable bill
  • Reimbursement of expenses already paid
  • Legal expenses and court costs to include, but not limited for attorney retainer & fees, tickets, child support, income taxes, etc.
  • Non-essential day-to-day living expenses

To learn more about the regulations and requirements, please click the following link to be redirected: MFRF Rules. For further documentation and information regarding the enanctment of State rules and regulations, please review the IDVA's Rule Making Docket.

To apply: Applicants must fill out the MFRF packet below. The applicant must sign and date the application and provide all required proof and documentation.  

Please submit completed MFRF Packets to:

Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs
Attn: Military Family Relief Fund
777 North Meridian Street, Suite 300 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Applications and documentation may also be faxed to 317-232-7721. If you are unsure your fax was received please call before sending duplicate faxes. 

For more information, please contact the MFRF Staff.
Inquiries may also be made via e-mail to mfrf@dva.in.gov . 

Current MFRF Staff:

Name Phone Number
Janie Gregory 317-234-8648
Lynn Dickey (Director) 317-232-3914
Vacant 317-234-8656
Vacant 317-234-8653


MFRF History

Beginning on January 2, 2007, the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) began accepting grant applications from the families of deployed or recently deployed Indiana National Guard members and members of the Selected Reserves. Effective July 1, 2017, the Military Family Relief Fund became available to all veterans that served on active duty during a national conflict or war time period.

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