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Crossing Educational Center

Megan Bailey
2930 S. Nappanee Street

Industry - Education/Job Training
Available Jobs(by Region) - Statewide

Originally created as one small school in Elkhart County in 2003, the Crossing now serves communities throughout the State of Indiana at twenty (20) campuses, serving over 1,000 students each year.  The mission of The Crossing is to empower struggling students to become contributing members of their communities through academics, job training, and faith-based mentoring.  The goal of The Crossing is to "transform lives through education by focusing on the heart and mind," and achieves this by assisting middle school, high school, and adult students in improving their academic, vocational and character development. By focusing on the core values of Relationships, Empowerment, Love, Integrity, and Truth, The Crossing helps struggling individuals to become transformed, fulfilled, and contributing members of their communities. To address the unique needs of the most struggling of students, The Crossing has traditionally focused on four main components: Academic, Character, Leadership and Vocation. It is in these four areas that every student must excel in order to live productive, successful lives as contributing members of society.