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But when you're done reading it, click the close button in the corner to dismiss this alert.
Dana Dickey
8901 Otis Avenue, Suite 033
(317) 546-6337
Industry - Software
Available Jobs(by Region) - Metro
Intelligent Information Technologies (IIT) was founded in 1986 as a software research and development corporation with a focus on information and support technologies. IIT specializes in engineering knowledgeware, meaning software that supports technical decision-making and incorporates substantial problem specific engineering knowledge. IIT continues to conduct applied research and produce software products for government and industry clients. IIT has a history of maintaining a distributed office environment for employees, sub-contractors, and consultants working together on projects while living in different parts of the country. IIT’s core team operates from our office in Indianapolis, IN located in the Fort Benjamin Harrison Historic District within walking distance of Fort Harrison state park and Triton Brewery.