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Barn Listing

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Available Barns for Indiana Breeding Programs

Barn Listing pdf

Welcome to the Indiana Horse Racing Commission and its breed development programs. Whether you are interested in our Quarter Horse, Standardbred or Thoroughbred programs, we strive to provide you with tools you may find helpful when reviewing our programs and the lucrative incentives being offered.

To assist with your review, we are providing a list of Indiana breeding farms that are available for housing your broodmares and/or stallions for the coming foaling and breeding season. This list of farms is voluntary—meaning the list is not all encompassing—there are more farms in the state participating in our programs but have not provided us the necessary farm information prior to this posting.

The breeding farms included on this list are placed on a voluntary basis. The list may be helpful to individuals that intend to participate in the breeding programs in Indiana. It is not intended as an endorsement of any of these farms and their inclusion on this list should not be relied upon in lieu of the owner’s own due diligence. The IHRC is not responsible for issues that may arise from the placement of a broodmare and/or stallion at any of the breeding farms on the list. The IHRC will make every effort to ensure that the information on the list is accurate and up-to-date. However, given that the IHRC is provided the information on a volunteer basis, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information on the list.

Should you have an interest in sending your mare or stallion to one of the listed farms the IHRC advises that you do your own research: contact the owners, ask for references and perhaps plan a visit before you make your decision. Also, look at the surrounding area and know where the local veterinarians and farriers are located. 

If you have any further questions about our Breed Development Programs, please feel free to contact Sara Distler, Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred Breed Development Coordinator (317-234-2542, sdistler@hrc.in.gov) or Joyse Banister, Standardbred Breed Development Coordinator (317-232-0400, jbanister1@hrc.in.gov). We are unable to recommend one farm over another, however, we are happy to answer any questions and help with necessary paperwork.


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