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2002 July-August decisions
29-006-01-1-4-00011 | 7/1/2002 | Larry A. Reynolds | real estate | GCK, dep. Schedule | Property Valuation Services, Inc. |
79-001-95-2-8-00007 | 7/1/2002 | Lafayette Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. | exemption | charitable | Thomas B. Parent |
49-500-00-2-8-00012 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-500-00-2-8-00010 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-500-00-2-8-00009 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-500-00-2-8-00008 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-500-00-2-8-00007 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-500-00-2-8-00011 | 7/2/2002 | Piedmont Nantucket Cove LLC | exemption | charitable | Barnes & Thornburg |
57-008-95-1-4-00029A | 7/3/2002 | Village Housing Partners | real estate | grade, wall ht, obsolescence | Ice, Miller, Donadio & Ryan |
57-008-95-1-4-00029B | 7/3/2002 | Village Housing Partners | real estate | grade, wall ht, obsolescence | Ice, Miller, Donadio & Ryan |
59-012-01-1-3-00001 | 7/3/2002 | Vanguard Properties (Amended) | real estate | Amended Findings--obsolescence | Bingham, McHale LLP |
49-407-96-2-8-00155 | 7/8/2002 | Maple Grove Baptist Church of Lawrence | exemption | religious | Philip Thrasher |
41-002-98-3-3-00015 | 7/8/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | can obsol be changed by PTABOA on a 133? | Fred Carter/C.M.I. |
41-002-99-3-3-00016 | 7/8/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | can obsol be changed by PTABOA on a 133? | Fred Carter/C.M.I. |
41-002-00-3-3-00017 | 7/8/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | can obsol be changed by PTABOA on a 133? | Fred Carter/C.M.I. |
41-002-01-1-3-00003 | 7/8/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate | obsolescence | Fred Carter/C.M.I. |
82-027-98-1-4-00031 | 7/8/2002 | David Meyers | real estate | Inf factor, grade, condition, obsolescence | Uzelac & Associates |
82-027-97-1-4-00040 | 7/8/2002 | David Meyers | real estate | Inf factor, grade, condition, obsolescence | Uzelac & Associates |
41-002-97-3-3-00014 | 7/8/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | can obsol be changed by PTABOA on a 133? | Fred Carter/C.M.I. |
54-030-95-1-4-00022 | 7/10/2002 | HC Industries (Rehearing) | real estate | obsolescence | N/A |
45-023-96-4-0-10000 | 7/11/2002 | Randall J. Brinneman | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '96 | Mannia Green LLP |
59-012-01-1-3-00001 | 7/11/2002 | Vanguard Properties(Amended) | real estate | obsolescence | Bingham McHale LLP |
01-016-98-1-3-00001 | 7/11/2002 | Dolco Packaging Corp. | real estate | GCK, phys dep, use type area, grade | Tim Boyce/ Review Corp. |
45-002-96-4-0-10000 | 7/11/2002 | New Age Video Inc. | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '01 | Carmelo Reyes |
45-001-99-4-0-00001 | 7/11/2002 | A.R.E. Incorporated | airport dev. Zone | airport development zone credit for '99 | N/A |
02-041-01-4-0-10000 | 7/11/2002 | Rea Magnet Wire Company, Inc. | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '01 | N/A |
02-091-97-4-0-20000 | 7/11/2002 | Dependable Brake Systems | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '97 | Blatt Kleinbaum Summerfield & Kelner Ltd. |
49-800-96-4-0-10000 | 7/11/2002 | Bane Clene Corporation | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '96 | Jeffrey Eicher |
46-021-01-4-0-00001 | 7/11/2002 | Community Health Pharmacy | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for 2001 | N/A |
68-021-96-1-3-00003 | 7/15/2002 | Anchor Glass Container Corp. | real estate | obsolescence | DuCharme McMillen & Associates |
49-970-99-3-7-01095 | 7/15/2002 | Allison Engine Co. | personal prop. 133 | comp. error result in incorrect inventory rptd? | Barnes & Thornburg |
49-970-98-3-7-00973 | 7/15/2002 | Allison Engine Co. | personal prop. 133 | comp. error result in incorrect inventory rptd? | Barnes & Thornburg |
20-005-01-4-0-10000 | 7/15/2002 | US Brass/ Zurn Quest | enterprise zone | enterprise zone credit for '01 | Henderson Daily Withrow & DeVoe |
49-101-01-2-8-10075 | 7/23/2002 | Indiana Community Action Association | exemption | educational, charitable | N/A |
49-101-01-2-8-10076 | 7/23/2002 | Indiana Community Action Association | exemption | educational, charitable | N/A |
49-200-97-3-7-00001 | 8/1/2002 | Hugh & Betty Lee Robbins | pers. Prop. 133 | motor home value for personal property | N/A |
02-091-01-4-0-1000 | 8/1/2002 | BAE Systems Controls Inc. | enterprise zone | correction of defect in appeal | N/A |
41-002-98-3-3-00019 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-00-3-3-00021 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-99-3-3-00003 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-00-3-3-00013 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-00-3-3-00004 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-99-3-3-00020 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-96-3-3-00005 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-97-3-3-00018 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-98-3-3-00011 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-97-3-3-00010 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-98-3-3-00002 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-97-3-3-00001 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-01-1-3-00001 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-01-1-3-00005 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate | GCK, dep schedule, obsolescence | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
41-002-99-3-3-00012 | 8/5/2002 | David R. Webb Company Inc. | real estate 133 | GCK, depreciation schedule | Fred McCarter/ C.M.I. |
29-003-95-1-5-00051 | 8/7/2002 | Paul Shoopman | real estate | grade, neighborhood, site category, land class | Clark, Quinn, Moses & Clark |
71-006-98-1-5-00908 | 8/7/2002 | Thomas & Vickie Panting | real estate | grade | N/A |
22-008-95-1-4-00136 | 8/7/2002 | John E. Johnson | real estate | wall ht, vault door thickness, mezzanine, grade | Michael Caron/ DuCharme McMillen & Associates |
45-024-99-3-7-00033 | 8/7/2002 | Precision Industries | personal property | value of personal property as reported | Kurz Group Inc. |
45-036-01-1-4-00001 | 8/7/2002 | George & Joyce Klawinski | real estate | GCK, grade | Rex Hume/ Uzelac & Associates |
20-030-95-1-4-00217 | 8/7/2002 | Universal Cooperatives | real estate | life expect. table, obsolescence, const., others | Landmark Appraisals |
82-029-97-1-4-10029 | 8/7/2002 | John & Harry Smith | real estate | value as of asssmt date | James Angermeier |
82-029-95-1-4-00113 | 8/7/2002 | Charles E. Taylor Jr. | real estate | obsolescence, influence factor | Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.C./Steve Folz |
29-020-97-1-5-00023 | 8/7/2002 | Thomas & Celeste Brodnik | real estate | land base rate, grade | N/A |
45-018-97-1-4-10000 | 8/9/2002 | David Wilcox, Trustee | real estate | GCK/ grade | Rex Hume/ Uzelac & Associates |
29-007-98-1-5-00004 | 8/9/2002 | Brian Redman | real estate | admin review: grade, neighborhood, infl fac, misc | Steven Hay/ Landmark Appraisals |
82-019-96-1-5-00002 | 8/9/2002 | Ronald D. & Connie S. Romain | real estate | grade | N/A |
49-600-00-1-5-00688 | 8/9/2002 | Hardeep Sikand | real estate | land value, grade | N/A |
82-020-96-1-4-00010 | 8/12/2002 | Ted Ziemer Foundation | real estate | grade, obsolescence, use classification | N/A |
39-009-00-1-3-00002 | 8/12/2002 | FAS Plastic Enterprises Inc. | real estate | mezzanine, grade | Duane Zishka/ Uzelac & Associates |
71-025-94-2-8-00099 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
80-002-00-1-4-00002 | 8/16/2002 | Park 100 Foods Inc. | real estate | phys dep, obsolescence | Traci Carboni/ Baden Gage & Schroeder LLC |
71-025-94-2-8-00098 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
71-025-94-2-8-00097 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
71-025-94-2-8-00095 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
71-025-94-2-8-00096 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
71-025-93-2-8-00050 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
71-025-94-2-8-00094 | 8/16/2002 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County | exemption | charitable | N/A |
45-036-95-1-4-00043 | 8/16/2002 | Forest Ridge Associates - CONFIDENTIAL | real estate | obsolescence | Rex Hume/ Uzelac & Associates |
15-021-91-3-4-00002R | 8/19/2002 | Loveless Construction Company (remand) | real estate 133 | unit finish adjustment | Tamatha A. Stevens, attny/ Landmark Appraisals |
15-021-92-3-4-00003R | 8/19/2002 | Loveless Construction Company (remand) | real estate 133 | unit finish adjustment | Tamatha A. Stevens, attny/ Landmark Appraisals |
15-021-93-3-4-00004R | 8/19/2002 | Loveless Construction Company (remand) | real estate 133 | unit finish adjustment | Tamatha A. Stevens, attny/ Landmark Appraisals |
15-021-94-1-4-00001R | 8/19/2002 | Loveless Construction Company (remand) | real estate | unit finish adjustment | Tamatha A. Stevens, attny/ Landmark Appraisals |
15-021-94-3-4-00005R | 8/19/2002 | Loveless Construction Company (remand) | real estate 133 | unit finish adjustment | Tamatha A. Stevens, attny/ Landmark Appraisals |
53-015-95-3-3-00007 | 8/22/2002 | Evind Corporation | real estate 133 | GCK, sq ft, land classification | Fred Monschein & Associates |
45-018-97-1-4-00005 | 8/27/2002 | James R. Brocksmith - CONFIDENTIAL | real estate | notice, year of appeal, obsolescence | Rex Hume/ Uzelac & Associates |
29-003-95-1-5-00042 | 8/27/2002 | John J. and Janice Kielty | real estate | land value, grade | N/A |