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2002 November-December decisions

64-016-01-1-7-00021 11/7/2002 SKF Steel, Inc. personal property inventory value, pers. Prop exempt? Shaheen & Shahnaz Kahn
26-017-95-1-3-00003 11/12/2002 Gibson County Farm Bureau real estate depreciation, obsol, real vs personal prop, deduct Ronald Fetters
26-019-95-1-3-00001 11/12/2002 Gibson County Farm Bureau real estate land, assmt, value, obsolescence Ronald Fetters
26-006-95-1-3-00010 11/12/2002 Gibson County Farm Bureau real estate depr., comp. Error, GCK, obsolescence Ronald Fetters
26-006-95-1-3-00011 11/12/2002 Gibson County Farm Bureau real estate land, obsolescence, deduction Ronald Fetters
29-018-95-1-5-00922 11/13/2002 David & Pamela Van Bruaene real estate grade, neighborhood, influence factor, new vs old Stephen Hay/ Landmark Appraisals Inc.
57-009-01-1-5-00001 11/13/2002 Ross Dick Jr. real estate patio, canopy, garage, land value, improvement val N/A
02-073-97-3-7-50040 11/13/2002 Iron Out, Inc. personal property interstate commerce inventory exemption Burt Brunner
29-003-95-1-5-00302 11/13/2002 Richard L. Stout real estate grd, nghbrhd, infl fac, cnst yr,att fin, new vsold Stephen Hay/ Landmark Appraisals Inc.
29-018-95-1-5-00946 11/13/2002 Michael K. & Peggy A. Spratt real estate grade, neighborhood, influence factor, new vs old Stephen Hay/ Landmark Appraisals Inc.
29-007-95-1-5-00108 11/13/2002 Clyde R. Montgomery real estate sq ftg, basement, land value, new vs old Stephen Hay/ Landmark Appraisals Inc.
02-073-96-3-7-50039 11/13/2002 Iron Out, Inc. personal property interstate commerce inventory exemption Burt Brunner
32-013-95-2-8-00036 11/15/2002 Lifegate Inc. exemption religious Robert Stallwood
32-013-96-2-8-00020 11/15/2002 Lifegate Inc. exemption religious Robert Stallwood
20-013-91-2-8-00020 11/21/2002 Elks Lodge # 425 exemption charitable N/A
65-018-98-1-4-00003 11/21/2002 ADM Milling real estate timely filing, GCK Rob Pharr/ Mellander & Associates
49-700-95-1-4-00232 11/21/2002 Federated Department Stores Inc. real estate grade, obsolescence,rooftop screen pricing N/A
65-018-98-1-4-00004 11/21/2002 ADM Milling real estate obsolescence Rob Pharr/ Mellander & Associates
49-000-92-2-8-00137 11/21/2002 Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research (ICFAR) exemption percentage of exemption for educational/research Brian Fennerty
49-101-98-1-4-00102 11/22/2002 American Business Foundation real estate infl factor, land base rate Joseph D. Calderon
49-101-98-1-4-00106 11/22/2002 American Business Foundation real estate infl factor, obsolescence Joseph D. Calderon
48-003-96-2-8-00017 11/22/2002 St. John Health System Corp. exemption charitable Tom Beaman
48-003-96-2-8-00017A 11/22/2002 St. John Health System Corp. exemption charitable Tom Beaman
48-013-96-2-8-00017 11/22/2002 St. John Health System Corp. exemption charitable Tom Beaman
03-017-97-1-4-00001 11/22/2002 Irwin Union Bank & Trust real estate grd, constit., sq ft prc, part adj, fnsh adj, HVAC Milo Smith/Tax Consultants Inc.
82-019-96-2-8-00139 11/22/2002 Bob Hamilton Charitable Golf Foundation exemption charitable exemption for golf course Gene Brooks
45-003-00-1-7-00001R 11/25/2002 SKF Steel REMAND personal property timely filing, excessive valuation? Kevin E. Steele/ Burke,Costanza & Cuppy LLP
82-020-94-3-7-00025 11/26/2002 National City Bank of Evansville personal property inclusion of improper items on pers prop return? Richard Hunter/ Uzelac & Associates
29-012-01-1-4-00001 11/26/2002 Paul Goeke real estate GCK Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
82-020-92-3-7-00013 11/26/2002 National City Bank of Evansville personal property inclusion of improper items on pers prop return? Richard Hunter/ Uzelac & Associates
82-029-95-1-4-00773 11/26/2002 North Side National Bank real estate PAR, int fnsh adj, obsolescence Rex Hume/ Uzelac & Associates
20-025-95-1-4-00215 11/26/2002 Edward G. Aurand real estate cond, obsol, location/use effects, just valuation M. Drew Miller/ Landmark Appraisals Inc.
82-020-93-3-7-00021 11/26/2002 National City Bank of Evansville personal property inclusion of improper items on pers prop return? Richard Hunter/ Uzelac & Associates
29-018-98-3-4-00061 11/27/2002 Indiana Basketball Academy real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-00-3-4-00003 11/27/2002 Carmel Racquet Club real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-01-3-4-00001 11/27/2002 Carmel Racquet Club real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-98-3-4-00059 11/27/2002 Carmel Racquet Club real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-99-3-4-00036 11/27/2002 Carmel Racquet Club real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-97-3-4-07040 11/27/2002 Indiana Basketball Academy real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-99-3-4-00038 11/27/2002 Indiana Basketball Academy real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-00-3-4-00005 11/27/2002 Indiana Basketball Academy real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
29-018-97-3-4-07038 11/27/2002 Carmel Racquet Club real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
34-002-98-3-3-00018 12/3/2002 Kokomo Opalescent Glass Co. real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Denise Praul/ Accurate Tax Management Inc.
82-028-96-2-8-00138 12/3/2002 Order of the Owls, Nest #30 exemption % exempt for charitable N/A
27-016-00-1-4-10000 12/3/2002 Jefferey Southworth real estate GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
34-002-99-3-3-00019 12/3/2002 Kokomo Opalescent Glass Co. real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Denise Praul/ Accurate Tax Management Inc.
34-002-00-3-3-00020 12/3/2002 Kokomo Opalescent Glass Co. real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Denise Praul/ Accurate Tax Management Inc.
29-007-96-1-4-00016 12/3/2002 The Marina Limited Partnership real estate land base rate Gordon D. Byers
27-016-97-1-4-10000 12/3/2002 Jefferey Southworth real estate GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
27-016-98-1-4-10000 12/3/2002 Jefferey Southworth real estate GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
27-016-99-1-4-10000 12/3/2002 Jefferey Southworth real estate GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
27-016-01-1-4-10000 12/3/2002 Jefferey Southworth real estate GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
26-003-01-1-3-00001 12/4/2002 Black Beauty Coal Company real estate pers vs real prop, number of floors Steven Folz, Harding Shymanski & Co.
26-003-01-1-3-00002 12/4/2002 Black Beauty Coal Company real estate pers vs real prop, number of floors Steven Folz, Harding Shymanski & Co.
26-001-01-1-3-00001 12/4/2002 Black Beauty Coal Company real estate pers vs real prop, number of floors Steven Folz, Harding Shymanski & Co.
26-002-01-1-3-00002 12/4/2002 Black Beauty Coal Company real estate pers vs real prop, number of floors, GCK pers vs real prop, number of floors
55-005-00-3-4-00001 12/5/2002 PFB Investments LLC real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
55-005-01-3-4-00001 12/5/2002 PFB Investments LLC real estate 133 GCK on a 133 Ralph Campbell/ Property Valuation Services
45-024-01-1-3-00030 12/5/2002 General American Transportation Corp. real estate excessive land value N/A
45-023-00-4-0-00001 12/18/2002 Key Markets Inc. enterprise zone review of enterprise zone credit N/A
45-004-00-4-0-00003 12/18/2002 Key Markets Inc. enterprise zone review of enterprise zone credit N/A
45-023-00-4-0-00002 12/18/2002 Key Markets Inc. enterprise zone review of enterprise zone credit N/A