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2003 September-October decisions


49-900-98-3-4-01117 9/10/03 Diamond Chain real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-900-99-3-4-01243 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-900-00-3-4-00160 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-900-01-3-4-00031 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-98-3-3-01108 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-99-3-3-01235 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-00-3-3-0-0152 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-01-3-3-00019 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-98-3-3-01111 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-99-3-3-01238 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-01-33-00021 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-98-3-3-01112 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-00-3-3-00155 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-99-3-3-01239 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-00-3-3-00156 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-98-3-3-01109 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-99-3-3-01236 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-00-3-3-00153 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-98-3-3-01114 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-99-3-3-01241 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-00-3-3-00158 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
49-101-01-3-3-00023 9/10/03 Amsted Industries (dba Diamond Chain) real estate 133 Hosp.care for indigent tax legality N/A
47-011-01-1-4-00008 9/15/03 Bedford Apartments real estate obsolescence Sandra Bickel/ Ice Miller
68-021-00-2-8-00025 9/16/03 Hoosier Care II (d/b/a Randolph Nursing Home) exemption charitable/home for the aged Katrina Clingerman/Ice Miller
39-011-95-1-4-00006 9/16/03 Johnson Oil Company real estate land price, right-of-way Milo Smith/Tax Consultants Inc.
45-001-92-2-8-00108 9/16/03 Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ Inc. exemption religious N/A
49-400-95-1-4-00121R 9/16/03 Community Hospital Foundation real estate land type David L. Pippen
72-008-98-3-4-00002 9/18/03 Vesow Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-99-3-4-00002 9/18/03 Vesow Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-00-3-4-00002 9/18/03 Vesow Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-01-3-4-00002 9/18/03 Vesow Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-98-3-4-00001 9/18/03 Scott Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-99-3-4-00001 9/18/03 Scott Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-00-3-4-00001 9/18/03 Scott Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
72-008-01-3-4-00001 9/18/03 Scott Realty real estate 133 GCK/ 133 Carla Delaney/Meritax LLC
57-015-02-2-8-00009 9/18/03 Stone's Trace Historical Society exemption educational/number of acres exempt N/A
57-015-02-2-8-00009A 9/18/03 Stone's Trace Historical Society exemption educational/number of acres exempt N/A
84-004-96-1-5-00020 9/18/03 Kenneth E. and Laverne Smith real estate homestead credit N/A
39-011-02-2-8-00011 9/25/03 Hickory Creek Healthcare exemption charitable/healthcare facility Katrina Clingerman/Ice Miller
52-021-02-2-8-00001 9/25/03 Hickory Creek Healthcare Foundation exemption charitable/healthcare facility Katrina Clingerman/Ice Miller
52-021-02-2-8-00002 9/25/03 Hickory Creek Healthcare Foundation exemption charitable/healthcare facility Katrina Clingerman/Ice Miller
52-021-02-2-8-00003 9/25/03 Hickory Creek Healthcare Foundation exemption charitable/healthcare facility Katrina Clingerman/Ice Miller
29-007-95-1-5-00077 9/30/03 Mark and Amy Roesler real estate grade Sandra Bickel/ Ice Miller
49-101-95-1-5-00188 10/2/03 James K. Gilday real estate infl. fac., grade, neighborhood, cond., other various N/A
71-026-02-2-8-00001 10/2/03 St. Germain Foundation Inc. exemption religious, charitable N/A
71-031-02-2-8-00001 10/3/03 Life Station Inc. exemption charitable N/A
71-031-02-2-8-00002 10/3/03 Life Station Inc. exemption percentage of exemption N/A
71-031-02-2-8-00003 10/3/03 Life Station Inc. exemption percentage of exemption N/A
39-012-02-2-8-00003 10/6/03 Tau Chapter House exemption fraternity house on college campus Robert Hicks/ Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman
76-004-92-1-4-00002R 10/16/03 BCD Investments real estate PAR, grade, obsolescence N/A
76-004-89-3-4-01079R 10/16/03 BCD Investments real estate 133 base rate N/A
76-004-90-3-4-00396R 10/16/03 BCD Investments real estate 133 base rate N/A
76-004-91-3-4-00255R 10/16/03 BCD Investments real estate 133 base rate N/A
48-003-97-1-5-00004 10/20/03 Evelyn L. Metz real estate mortgage deduction N/A
29-012-02-3-7-00004 10/21/03 Westfield LP Gas Corporation real estate 133 personal property appeal N/A
29-014-02-3-7-00001 10/21/03 Westfield LP Gas Corporation real estate 133 personal property appeal N/A
29-015-02-3-7-00001 10/21/03 Westfield LP Gas Corporation real estate 133 personal property appeal N/A
29-003-02-3-7-00001 10/21/03 Westfield LP Gas Corporation real estate 133 personal property appeal N/A
82-028-00-2-8-00001 10/23/03 Lucas Place LLC exemption charitable Thomas P. Norton
82-028-00-2-8-00002 10/23/03 Lucas Place LLC exemption charitable Thomas P. Norton
82-028-00-2-8-00003 10/23/03 Lucas Place LLC exemption charitable Thomas P. Norton
02-076-01-3-4-00794 10/23/03 Larry A. Reynolds real estate 133 GCK N/A
02-076-99-3-4-00741 10/23/03 Larry A. Reynolds real estate 133 GCK N/A
02-076-98-3-4-00742 10/23/03 Larry A. Reynolds real estate 133 GCK N/A
02-076-00-3-4-00740 10/23/03 Larry A. Reynolds real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-006-98-3-4-00048 10/23/03 Reynolds Farm Equipment real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-006-99-3-4-00052 10/23/03 Reynolds Farm Equipment real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-006-00-3-4-00055 10/23/03 Reynolds Farm Equipment real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-012-98-3-4-00028 10/23/03 Paul Goeke, Inc. real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-012-99-3-4-00015 10/23/03 Paul Goeke, Inc. real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-012-00-3-4-00007 10/23/03 Paul Goeke, Inc. real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-018-01-3-4-00002 10/23/03 Katt LLC real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-018-00-3-4-00004 10/23/03 Katt LLC real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-018-99-3-4-00037 10/23/03 Katt LLC real estate 133 GCK N/A
29-018-98-3-4-00060 10/23/03 Katt LLC real estate 133 GCK N/A
49-600-98-3-4-01150 10/23/03 Chicago Tube & Iron real estate 133 GCK N/A
49-600-99-3-4-01277 10/23/03 Chicago Tube & Iron real estate 133 GCK N/A
49-640-00-3-4-00191 10/23/03 Chicago Tube & Iron real estate 133 GCK N/A
49-600-01-3-4-00065 10/23/03 Chicago Tube & Iron real estate 133 GCK N/A
73-001-97-3-4-10002 10/23/03 Cambridge Industries real estate 133 GCK N/A
73-002-98-3-4-00003 10/23/03 Cambridge Industries real estate 133 GCK N/A