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International Trade

Steps to ExportOur Goal

The International Trade department within ISDA is focused on helping companies explore opportunities for exporting their products around the world. In turn, this increases business revenue and produces more Indiana jobs. There are a variety of resources located on this page to help begin the first steps of exporting and to get involved with an organization that we work closely with, Food Export Association of the Midwest. Any questions about starting exporting, intensifying your program, or finding resources that are not on this page can be directed toward Food Export Midwest.

International Trade and Marketing

Expanding Indiana companies’ access to international markets is an important component of ISDA’s economic development strategy and one that pays great returns to the Indiana economy. According to the Indiana Business Research Center, agricultural exporting in Indiana supports 34,800 jobs. Along with this, the United States Department of Agriculture reported that in 2015 Indiana ranked 7th in agricultural export sales, producing $4,563,700.00. Indiana agricultural exports have been growing rapidly, thanks to strong economic growth and increasing demand for high-value products. ISDA focuses on trade servicing and trade capacity building by helping to create, expand and maintain long-term export markets for Indiana’s agricultural products.

Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Crouch have tasked ISDA with ensuring that foreign markets remain open and with the creation of additional trade avenues for Indiana agricultural products. ISDA is committed to helping Indiana producers, processors, and packagers to leverage resources and grow their businesses through exports, working alongside both current and potential exporters to access educational and marketing services, financial assistance programs, and opportunities to meet foreign buyers.

Food Export Midwest

The Food Export Association of the Midwest is a non-profit organization created in 1969 as a cooperative effort between 12 Midwestern state agricultural promotion agencies and the United States Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Food Export-Midwest uses federal, state, and industry resources to help grow the export of Midwestern food and agricultural products. They offer a variety of educational, financial, and promotional services through Market Access Program (MAP) funding.

Food Export-Midwest and ISDA strive to assist small Indiana food and agricultural businesses through a variety of tools including:

Exporting Alcoholic Beverages

There are several resources online to help you being exporting, some of which are listed below.

You may also be able to request the following certificates from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) International Affairs Division.

  • Certificate of Free Sale
  • Certificate of Origin and/or Age
  • Certificate of Health
  • Certificate of Sanitation
  • Certificate of Authenticity
  • Sanitary Statement/Certificate
  • Certificate of Manufacturing Process

For more information, click here.

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