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Clean Water Indiana

The Clean Water Indiana (CWI) Program was established to provide financial assistance to landowners and conservation groups.  The financial assistance supports the implementation of conservation practices which will reduce nonpoint sources of water pollution through education, technical assistance, training, and cost sharing programs.  The CWI fund is administered by the Division of Soil Conservation under the direction of the State Soil Conservation Board.

The (CWI) Program is responsible for providing local matching funds as well as grants for sediment and nutrient reduction projects through Indiana’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts.  CWI also contributes critical state matching funds for Indiana’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, an initiative which utilizes federal funds to encourage landowners to conserve environmentally sensitive land.  Furthermore, the (CWI) Program has supported the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative which focuses on management systems approach to crop production which results in improved soil and water quality as well as profitability on Indiana cropland.

Budget Overview

For more information about the Clean Water Indiana Program, please contact:

ISDA District Support Specialists

2021 Clean Water Indiana Grant Information

The Clean Water Indiana Grants Committee is Amy Burris, Kenny Cain, and Bob Eddleman. The State Soil Conservation Board (SSCB) accepted competitive proposals for targeted projects up to three years in length.  

Indiana Grants Management Portal 

2021 CWI Grants Committee Report
2021 Clean Water Indiana Proposals
2021 Clean Water Indiana Funded Projects 

2020 Clean Water Indiana Grant Information

2020 CWI Grants Summary
2020 Clean Water Indiana Proposals
2020 Clean Water Indiana Funded Projects

2019 Clean Water Indiana Grant Information

Statewide and Individual Projects Summaries

SWCD Led Program
2019 Clean Water Indiana Proposals
2019 Clean Water Indiana Funded Projects
2019 Clean Water Indiana Project Themes

2018 Clean Water Indiana Grants

SWCD Led Proposals
2018 Clean Water Indiana Snapshot
2018 Clean Water Indiana Proposals
2018 Clean Water Indiana Funded Projects
2018 Clean Water Indiana Project Themes

Click on the map below to get more information about specific grants. If a county is participating in more 
than one grant in a given year, an arrow will appear in the pop-up window.

Non-SWCD Led Proposals
Funded Non-SWCD Led Projects
Pathway to Water Quality
Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM)


2017 Clean Water Indiana Grants

2017 Clean Water Indiana Snapshot

Click on the map below to get more information about specific grants. If a county is participating in more 
than one grant in a given year, an arrow will appear in the pop-up window.

For an archive of Clean Water Indiana grants, click here

Related Links

Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
State Soil Conservation Board

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