Main Content
The Rapid Watershed Assessments (RWAs) consists of geographically displayed data layers, along with printable tabular watershed reports including summary data and source information. The RWAs draw on statewide data layers, clipped to the Hydrological Unit Codes (HUC) 8 watershed boundaries, in order to provide a watershed view of resource concerns that can be compared on a statewide scope.
The RWA layers compile the best readily-available statewide data, including:
• A general description of the location, size, and political units associated with the HUC 8 watershed.
• Physical description including land use/land cover, public lands, cropland types, common resource areas, stream flow data, etc.
• Potential resource concerns.
• Census and social data.
• References and data sources.
The information is general in nature and is not sufficiently detailed to be used in lieu of an area-wide or watershed plan. However, the information will provide a solid starting point for local stakeholders to use should they decide to proceed with a more detailed area-wide or watershed planning effort.
Maps and Tabular Watershed Reports (PDFs)
While RWA is a mapped-based tool, detailed information about the data is also available in tabular watershed reports. See table below. In the watershed reports, county-based data is spatially distributed according to HUC 8 watershed boundaries. The RWA data is not real-time. References to the data sources, including year, can be found in the watershed reports.
Please note that the data provided for Offsite Risk Index Factors (sheet/rill erosion potential, surface drainage, leach index, wind erosion, flood frequency, and surface & subsurface drainage) involve calculations that were designed for analysis within an individual county. As with other county-based data, application of this data at the 8-digit watershed level provides information on these factors only at the watershed level, and does not accurately reflect individual sites within the watersheds.
Indiana Map of 8-Digit Watersheds
Map Instructions - How To Turn On and Off Layers In PDF Document
1) Open map of watershed
2) Click on layers tab on left side of screen, or click on View menu, then click on Navigational Panels and select Layers.
3) Click on the eyeball next to each layer to turn them on and off.
Links to Other Watershed Tools
Indiana Geological Survey: Indiana GIS Atlas
Indiana Water Monitoring Inventory
Indiana Watershed Planning Guide
Indiana’s Integrated Water Monitoring and Assessment Report (305(b)/303(d))
Watershed Inventory Workbook for Indiana
Indiana Watershed Leadership Program
EPA Nonpoint Source Pollution Homepage
Center for Watershed Protection
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Indiana Rapid Watershed Assessments were developed by a partnership between the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, with input by an Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee included members and partners of the Indiana Conservation Partnership. Special thanks to the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management for their level of involvement.