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Online Dealer Account

Online Dealer Account Info

Dealer Account Helpline: 317-576-2568                 Frequently Asked Questions

The Dealer Services Division is pleased to be able to offer many of our services online! Instructions for how to get started with our dealer portal are below. 
Please note. Effective December 7, 2020 we switched to Access Indiana as our single sign-on provider. If you had an online dealer account and were using the dealer dashboard prior to December 7, 2020, you must activate your email with Access Indiana before you can use the dashboard. Please follow the instructions here to activate your email with Access Indiana.  

video tutorial is available as well

Step 1: Create an Access Indiana account 

You can create an account at: in.gov/access/ 

If you already have an Access Indiana account connected INBiz or another state agency, the same login information can be used. 

Step 2: Establish a Primary User

The Primary User should be one of the owners of the dealership.

The first person to use the PIN issued by our office will automatically be assigned the Primary User role. The PIN is issued by our office when the license is approved*. The PIN letter is sent to the person listed as the “primary owner” on the license application.


How to Link – Primary User

  1. Navigate to dealers.sos.in.gov
  2. Log in
  3. Select “Find My Dealer Licenses” from the menu on the left
  4. Follow the instructions on the page


Changing the Primary User is a complicated process that requires intervention by our office, so please be cautious when linking! The PIN should not be shared.

*For dealers that held licenses prior to 2017, a PIN letter was mailed to each dealer when the system went live.

Step 3: Add Other Users

There can only be one Primary User. All other users will need to have one of the below roles:

  •   Administrator 
  •   Finance / Sales 
  •   General Plates 
  •   General Office 
  •   General Plates and Office 

An explanation of each role is available here: User Role Overview.

How to Link - All Other Users

  1. Navigate to dealers.sos.in.gov
  2. Log in
  3. Select “Find My Dealer Licenses” from the menu on the left
  4. Follow the instructions on the page


How to Assign User Roles

  1. Navigate to dealers.sos.in.gov
  2. Log in
  3. Select “Online Services” from the menu on the left
  4. Select the appropriate dealership and “Manage Users”
  5. Select “Edit” next to the appropriate user

Step 4. Subscribe to Notifications (license renewal, insurance, etc.)

Primary Users and Administrators are automatically subscribed to notifications.


Subscriptions for all other users are managed by the dealer’s Primary User or Administrators.


How to Subscribe Users to Notifications

  1. Navigate to dealers.sos.in.gov
  2. Log in
  3. Select “Online Services” from the menu on the left
  4. Select the appropriate dealership and “Manage Users”
  5. Select “Edit” next to the appropriate user
  6. Select the “Subscription Assignment” tab