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Publication and Map Sales

DNR Map Sales Section
402 W. Washington St., W160
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2742

Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (local time), Monday - Friday. We ship USPS. Please provide street address or rural route number. Include seven percent Indiana sales tax plus $5.95 per order for shipping and handling. (Limited to 10 maps per box, per $5.95 S/H)

The DNR CSC does not sell Topo maps any longer. Customer will need to visit USGS website at; https://www.usgs.gov/products/maps/topo-maps.
$10 (specify quad name)

Lake Depth Maps can be found at https://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/5759.htm.

Each black-and-white map shows the lake's shoreline, stream channels and depths. See accompanying list for available maps through the DNR Customer Service Center. (Small maps are $2 and larger maps are $4.)

Adams LaGrange
Appleman LaGrange
Atwood LaGrange
Ball Steuben
Barr Fulton
Bass Starke
Bass (North Chain) St. Joseph
Baugher Noble
Bear Noble
Beaver Dam Kosciusko
Bell Steuben
Big Noble
Big Long LaGrange
Big Turkey LaGrange & Steuben
Bischoff Reservoir Ripley
Bixler Noble
Black Whitley
Blackman LaGrange
Blue Whitley
Boner Kosciusko
Bowen Scott
Bristol Noble
Brookville Union
Brown Whitley
Bruce Fulton
Brush Creek Reservoir Jennings
Buck LaGrange
Caldwell Kosciusko
Carr Kosciusko
Cass LaGrange
Cataract Owen & Putnam
Cedar Dekalb
Cedar LaGrange
Cedar Lake
Cedarville Allen
Center Kosciusko
Center Steuben
Clear LaPorte
Crane Noble
Cree Noble
Crooked Whitley & Noble
Crooked Steuben
Crosley Jennings
Crystal Kosciusko
Dallas LaGrange
Deer Noble
Dewart Kosciusko
Diamond Kosciusko
Diamond Noble
Dixon Marshall
Dogwood Daviess
Dunton Dekalb
Eagle Noble
Eagle Starke
Eagle Creek  ($4.00) Marion
Emma LaGrange
Engle Noble
Eve LaGrange
Everett Allen
Ferdinand Dubois
Fish Steuben
Fish near Plato LaGrange
Fish near Scott LaGrange
Fletcher Fulton
Fox Steuben
Franke Clark
Freeman Carroll & White
Geist Marion & Hamilton
George Steuben
Gilbert Noble
Goose Whitley
Hackenburg LaGrange
Hardy Lake Scott
Hartz Starke
Hamilton Steuben
Heaton Elkhart
High Noble
Hill Kosciusko
Hoffman Kosciusko
Hog LaPorte
Hogback Steuben
Horseshoe Noble
Hudson LaPorte
Hunter Elkhart
Huntingburg Dubois
Indian Dekalb
Indiana Cass-MI, Elkhart-IN
Jimmerson Steuben
King Fulton
Koontz Starke & Marshall
Kunkel Wells
Lake 16 Fulton
Lake of the Woods Marshall
Langenbaum Starke
Larwill Whitley
Latta Noble
Lawrence Marshall
Lemon Monroe
Lime near Orland Steuben
Lincoln Park Spencer
Little Long Noble
Little Turkey LaGrange
Little Turkey Steuben
Long Noble
Long Porter
Long Steuben
Long Steuben & Hillsdale, MI
Long Wabash
Loomis (Spectacle) Porter
Loon Kosciusko
Loon Steuben
Loon Whitley & Noble
Lower Fish LaPorte
Lower Long Noble
Lukens Wabash
Manitou Fulton
Mansfield (Raccoon/Harden) Parke
Marl Noble
Mateer LaGrange
Maxinkuckee Marshall
McClures Kosciusko
McColley Wabash
Messick LaGrange
Middle Fork Wayne
Mollenkramer Reservoir Ripley
Monroe Monroe
Morse Hamilton
Muncie Noble
J.C. Murphey Newton
Muskellunge Kosciusko
Myers Marshall
New Whitley
North Chain St. Joseph
North Twin LaGrange
Nyona Fulton
Ogle Brown
Old Whitley
Oliver LaGrange
Otter Steuben
Palestine Kosciusko
Patoka ($4.00) Orange
Pigeon LaGrange
Pigeon Steuben
Pleasant Noble
Pleasant Steuben
Prairie Creek Reservoir Delaware
Pretty LaGrange
Pretty Marshall
Rainbow LaGrange
Riddles St. Joseph
Ridinger Kosciusko
Robinson Kosciusko
Rock Kosciusko
Round Noble
Round Wabash
Royer LaGrange
Sacarider Noble
Salamonie Wabash
Sand Noble
Saugany LaPorte
Scales Warrick
Schlamm Clark
Schockopee Noble
Shafer White
Sherburn Kosciusko
Shipshewanna LaGrange
Shock Kosciusko
Silver Noble
Silver Steuben
Simonton Elkhart
Skinner Noble
Smalley Noble
South Chain St. Joseph
South Mud Fulton
South Twin LaGrange
Sparta Noble
Starve Hollow Jackson
Still LaGrange
Story Dekalb
Summit Henry
Sweet Noble
Sylvan Noble
Syracuse Kosciusko
Szmanda (S. Chain) St. Joseph
Tamarack Noble
Terry Dekalb & Steuben
Town Fulton
Turtle Creek Sullivan
Troy Cedar Whitley
Twin Lakes Wabash
Upper Fish LaPorte
Upper Long Noble
Versailles Ripley
Wabee Kosciusko
Wall LaGrange
Walters Steuben
Wawasee Kosciusko
Webster Kosciusko
West Boggs Creek Daviess & Martin
Westler LaGrange
Whitewater Union
Wible Noble
Williams Noble
Winona Kosciusko
Witmer LaGrange
Wyland Kosciusko
Yellow Creek Kosciusko
Yellowwood Brown
Banning, Irish, Little Barbee, Sawmilland Sechrist lakes Kosciusko
Bartley, Millers, and Port Mitchell lakes Noble
Barton and Hog lakes Steuben
Bass and Howard lakes Steuben
Big Barbee and Kuhn lakes Kosciusko
Big and Little Chapman lakes Kosciusko
Big and Little Otter lakes Steuben
Bowen and Dock lakes Noble
Clear and Round lakes Steuben
Cline and Weir lakes LaGrange
Cook and Holem lakes Marshall
Feller, Hahn and Oser reservoirs Ripley
Flat and Gilbert lakes Marshall
Golden and Bower lakes Steuben
Handy, Lake Anne and Mirror lakes Steuben
Harper, Hindman, Knapp and Moss lakes Noble
Kickapoo, Lenape and Shakamak lakes Clay & Sullivan
Lake Gage and Lime Lake Steuben
Lake James and Snow Lake Steuben
Lake of the Woods and McClish lakes LaGrange & Steuben
Mill Pond and Kreighbaum lakes Marshall
Miller, Norman, Rivir and Mud lakes Noble
Olin, Martin and Smith Hole lakes LaGrange
Pike and Little Pike lakes Kosciusko
Pine and Stone lakes LaPorte
Sellers and Sherburn lakes Kosciusko
Silver and North Little lakes Kosciusko
Steinbarger and Tamarack lakes Noble
Stone and Brokesha lakes LaGrange
Tippecanoe, James and Oswego lakes Kosciusko
Tri-Lakes - Cedar, Round and Shriner Whitley
Village, Duely, Rider and Gordy lakes Noble
Waldron and Jones lakes Noble
Wilson and Little Wilson lakes Whitley