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Publication and Map Sales
DNR Map Sales Section
402 W. Washington St., W160
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2742
Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (local time), Monday - Friday. We ship USPS. Please provide street address or rural route number. Include seven percent Indiana sales tax plus $5.95 per order for shipping and handling. (Limited to 10 maps per box, per $5.95 S/H)
U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLES The DNR CSC does not sell Topo maps any longer. Customer will need to visit USGS website at; |
$10 (specify quad name) |
Lake Depth Maps can be found at Each black-and-white map shows the lake's shoreline, stream channels and depths. See accompanying list for available maps through the DNR Customer Service Center. (Small maps are $2 and larger maps are $4.) |
Adams | LaGrange |
Appleman | LaGrange |
Atwood | LaGrange |
Ball | Steuben |
Barr | Fulton |
Bass | Starke |
Bass (North Chain) | St. Joseph |
Baugher | Noble |
Bear | Noble |
Beaver Dam | Kosciusko |
Bell | Steuben |
Big | Noble |
Big Long | LaGrange |
Big Turkey | LaGrange & Steuben |
Bischoff Reservoir | Ripley |
Bixler | Noble |
Black | Whitley |
Blackman | LaGrange |
Blue | Whitley |
Boner | Kosciusko |
Bowen | Scott |
Bristol | Noble |
Brookville | Union |
Brown | Whitley |
Bruce | Fulton |
Brush Creek Reservoir | Jennings |
Buck | LaGrange |
Caldwell | Kosciusko |
Carr | Kosciusko |
Cass | LaGrange |
Cataract | Owen & Putnam |
Cedar | Dekalb |
Cedar | LaGrange |
Cedar | Lake |
Cedarville | Allen |
Center | Kosciusko |
Center | Steuben |
Clear | LaPorte |
Crane | Noble |
Cree | Noble |
Crooked | Whitley & Noble |
Crooked | Steuben |
Crosley | Jennings |
Crystal | Kosciusko |
Dallas | LaGrange |
Deer | Noble |
Dewart | Kosciusko |
Diamond | Kosciusko |
Diamond | Noble |
Dixon | Marshall |
Dogwood | Daviess |
Dunton | Dekalb |
Eagle | Noble |
Eagle | Starke |
Eagle Creek ($4.00) | Marion |
Emma | LaGrange |
Engle | Noble |
Eve | LaGrange |
Everett | Allen |
Ferdinand | Dubois |
Fish | Steuben |
Fish near Plato | LaGrange |
Fish near Scott | LaGrange |
Fletcher | Fulton |
Fox | Steuben |
Franke | Clark |
Freeman | Carroll & White |
Geist | Marion & Hamilton |
George | Steuben |
Gilbert | Noble |
Goose | Whitley |
Hackenburg | LaGrange |
Hardy Lake | Scott |
Hartz | Starke |
Hamilton | Steuben |
Heaton | Elkhart |
High | Noble |
Hill | Kosciusko |
Hoffman | Kosciusko |
Hog | LaPorte |
Hogback | Steuben |
Horseshoe | Noble |
Hudson | LaPorte |
Hunter | Elkhart |
Huntingburg | Dubois |
Indian | Dekalb |
Indiana | Cass-MI, Elkhart-IN |
Jimmerson | Steuben |
King | Fulton |
Koontz | Starke & Marshall |
Kunkel | Wells |
Lake 16 | Fulton |
Lake of the Woods | Marshall |
Langenbaum | Starke |
Larwill | Whitley |
Latta | Noble |
Lawrence | Marshall |
Lemon | Monroe |
Lime near Orland | Steuben |
Lincoln Park | Spencer |
Little Long | Noble |
Little Turkey | LaGrange |
Little Turkey | Steuben |
Long | Noble |
Long | Porter |
Long | Steuben |
Long | Steuben & Hillsdale, MI |
Long | Wabash |
Loomis (Spectacle) | Porter |
Loon | Kosciusko |
Loon | Steuben |
Loon | Whitley & Noble |
Lower Fish | LaPorte |
Lower Long | Noble |
Lukens | Wabash |
Manitou | Fulton |
Mansfield (Raccoon/Harden) | Parke |
Marl | Noble |
Mateer | LaGrange |
Maxinkuckee | Marshall |
McClures | Kosciusko |
McColley | Wabash |
Messick | LaGrange |
Middle Fork | Wayne |
Mollenkramer Reservoir | Ripley |
Monroe | Monroe |
Morse | Hamilton |
Muncie | Noble |
J.C. Murphey | Newton |
Muskellunge | Kosciusko |
Myers | Marshall |
New | Whitley |
North Chain | St. Joseph |
North Twin | LaGrange |
Nyona | Fulton |
Ogle | Brown |
Old | Whitley |
Oliver | LaGrange |
Otter | Steuben |
Palestine | Kosciusko |
Patoka ($4.00) | Orange |
Pigeon | LaGrange |
Pigeon | Steuben |
Pleasant | Noble |
Pleasant | Steuben |
Prairie Creek Reservoir | Delaware |
Pretty | LaGrange |
Pretty | Marshall |
Rainbow | LaGrange |
Riddles | St. Joseph |
Ridinger | Kosciusko |
Robinson | Kosciusko |
Rock | Kosciusko |
Round | Noble |
Round | Wabash |
Royer | LaGrange |
Sacarider | Noble |
Salamonie | Wabash |
Sand | Noble |
Saugany | LaPorte |
Scales | Warrick |
Schlamm | Clark |
Schockopee | Noble |
Shafer | White |
Sherburn | Kosciusko |
Shipshewanna | LaGrange |
Shock | Kosciusko |
Silver | Noble |
Silver | Steuben |
Simonton | Elkhart |
Skinner | Noble |
Smalley | Noble |
South Chain | St. Joseph |
South Mud | Fulton |
South Twin | LaGrange |
Sparta | Noble |
Starve Hollow | Jackson |
Still | LaGrange |
Story | Dekalb |
Summit | Henry |
Sweet | Noble |
Sylvan | Noble |
Syracuse | Kosciusko |
Szmanda (S. Chain) | St. Joseph |
Tamarack | Noble |
Terry | Dekalb & Steuben |
Town | Fulton |
Turtle Creek | Sullivan |
Troy Cedar | Whitley |
Twin Lakes | Wabash |
Upper Fish | LaPorte |
Upper Long | Noble |
Versailles | Ripley |
Wabee | Kosciusko |
Wall | LaGrange |
Walters | Steuben |
Wawasee | Kosciusko |
Webster | Kosciusko |
West Boggs Creek | Daviess & Martin |
Westler | LaGrange |
Whitewater | Union |
Wible | Noble |
Williams | Noble |
Winona | Kosciusko |
Witmer | LaGrange |
Wyland | Kosciusko |
Yellow Creek | Kosciusko |
Yellowwood | Brown |
Banning, Irish, Little Barbee, Sawmilland Sechrist lakes | Kosciusko |
Bartley, Millers, and Port Mitchell lakes | Noble |
Barton and Hog lakes | Steuben |
Bass and Howard lakes | Steuben |
Big Barbee and Kuhn lakes | Kosciusko |
Big and Little Chapman lakes | Kosciusko |
Big and Little Otter lakes | Steuben |
Bowen and Dock lakes | Noble |
Clear and Round lakes | Steuben |
Cline and Weir lakes | LaGrange |
Cook and Holem lakes | Marshall |
Feller, Hahn and Oser reservoirs | Ripley |
Flat and Gilbert lakes | Marshall |
Golden and Bower lakes | Steuben |
Handy, Lake Anne and Mirror lakes | Steuben |
Harper, Hindman, Knapp and Moss lakes | Noble |
Kickapoo, Lenape and Shakamak lakes | Clay & Sullivan |
Lake Gage and Lime Lake | Steuben |
Lake James and Snow Lake | Steuben |
Lake of the Woods and McClish lakes | LaGrange & Steuben |
Mill Pond and Kreighbaum lakes | Marshall |
Miller, Norman, Rivir and Mud lakes | Noble |
Olin, Martin and Smith Hole lakes | LaGrange |
Pike and Little Pike lakes | Kosciusko |
Pine and Stone lakes | LaPorte |
Sellers and Sherburn lakes | Kosciusko |
Silver and North Little lakes | Kosciusko |
Steinbarger and Tamarack lakes | Noble |
Stone and Brokesha lakes | LaGrange |
Tippecanoe, James and Oswego lakes | Kosciusko |
Tri-Lakes - Cedar, Round and Shriner | Whitley |
Village, Duely, Rider and Gordy lakes | Noble |
Waldron and Jones lakes | Noble |
Wilson and Little Wilson lakes | Whitley |