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Aquatic Invasive Species - Invertebrates

Report aquatic invasive species

DNR is seeking sighting information for invasive species in Indiana. If you believe you have spotted an invasive species, report it and, if possible, get pictures to assist in expert identification.

Prohibited Invasive Mussels

  • The Mussel Rule (312 IAC 9-9-3) designates three species of invasive mussels as prohibited species. This rule makes it illegal to import, possess, or release into public or private waters Asiatic clam, quagga mussel, or zebra mussel.
Common name Scientific name Information
Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea  Species Profile
**quagga mussel Dreissena bugensis  Species Profile
**zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha  Species Profile, Zebra mussel waters

** Indicates species that are federal injurious species (https://www.fws.gov/injuriouswildlife/pdf_files/Current_Listed_IW.pdf)

Other Aquatic Invasive Invertebrates of Concern

The following invertebrates are not currently regulated in Indiana but are species of concern. Please take precautions to prevent introducing these species or moving them among bodies of water.

Common name Scientific name Information
Chinese mysterysnail Cipangopaludina chinensis Species Profile
fishhook waterflea Cercopagis pengoi Species Profile
New Zealand mudsnail Potamoyrgus antipodarum Species Profile
red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii Species Profile
rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus Species Profile
spiny waterflea Bythotrephes longimanus Species Profile