Main Content
Regulatory Information
Permits & Licenses
Indiana Regulated Plants
- Indiana Noxious Weeds (IC 15-16-7-2)
- Terrestrial Invasive Plant Rule (312 IAC 18-3-25)
- Aquatic Invasive Plant Rule (312 IAC 18-3-23)
- Ginseng (IC 14-31-3 & 312 IAC 19-1)
- Kudzu (312 IAC 18-3-16)
- Marijuana (IC 35-48-4-11)
- For Indiana hemp rules, contact the Office of Indiana State Chemist) - Multiflora rose (312 IAC 18-3-13)
- Purple loosestrife (312 IAC 18-3-13)
Indiana Regulated Pests
- Africanized bees (312-IAC 18-3-7)
- Black stem rust (312 IAC 18-3-8)
- Black vine weevil (312 IAC 18-3-10)
- Crown gall (312 IAC 18-3-11)
- Gypsy moth (312 IAC 18-3-14)
- Giant African land snail (312 IAC 18-3-9)
- Sudden oak death (7 CFR 301.92-3)
- Thousand cankers disease (312 IAC 18-3-24)
- Viruses of rose (312 IAC 18-3-9)
Indiana Nursery Regulations
- Definition of Nursery Stock
Nursery stock means botanically classified hardy perennial or biennial trees, shrubs, vines and plants, evergreens, fruit pits, and other plants or plant parts capable of propagation. The term does not include corms, tubers, field vegetables or flower seeds (IC 14-8-2-184 & IC 14-24-6-3). - Nursery Licenses
Nurseries selling or soliciting the sale of nursery stock in Indiana must obtain a Dealer’s License. (IC 14-24-7-1) Propagation or growing nursery stock with the intent to increase the size and/or the value of the material requires a Nursery Grower License. (IC 14-24-5-2) - General Shipping Requirements
Every package of nursery stock shipped into Indiana from another state must be labeled on the outside with the name of the consignor, the name of the consignee, and a certificate from the other state showing that the contents have been examined and found free from pests and pathogens. (IC 14-24-5-4) - Labeling Requirements
All nursery stock imported into Indiana for resale shall be labeled individually with the common name, botanical name, and hardiness zone of the stock with the exception of bulbs and other plant parts used for propagation. Nursery stock imported into Indiana by a nursery grower does not have to be labeled if the nursery grower holds, grows or transplants the nursery stock for a period of 5 years after import. (312 IAC 18-4-5) - Vitality of Nursery Stock
To be sold in Indiana, nursery stock must be vital and pest-free. A stop sale order can be placed on nursery stock that, through an inspection, is determined to be not vital. (IC 14-24-5-9) - Nursery Stock Imported from a Foreign Country
A person that receives nursery stock from a foreign country shall notify the division of the arrival and contents of the shipment and the name of the consignor. The shipment shall be held unopened until inspected or released by the division. (IC 14-24-5-5)
Indiana Apiary Regulations
- Importing Beekeeping Elements
A permit issued by this division is required before a beekeeper may ship or bring elements of beekeeping into Indiana from another state or country. Applications for a permit must be accompanied by a certificate from the place of origin showing:- The origin apiary was inspected not more than 30 days before shipping.
- The origin apiary of queens and combless bees was inspected not more than 60 days before shipping.
- The inspection took place during active brood rearing and the apiary was found free of pests and pathogens. (IC 14-24-8-4)
Release of a Beneficial Organism or Pest or Pathogen
A person or a federal agency must not release a beneficial organism, pest or pathogen in Indiana without a permit issued by the division director. Organisms exempt from this rule are cited in the Natural Resources Commission Informational Bulletin #44 “List of Beneficial Organisms Exempted from Licensure”. (312 IAC 18-3-15)
Indiana Seed Laws
Seed laws are administered by the Indiana Office of the State Chemist and Seed Commissioner