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Firewood Rules

Buy it Where You Burn it

There are 140 known pests and pathogens that can be moved in firewood. Conserving our Hoosier forests is everyone’s responsibility, so the DNR has a firewood management rule.

You can bring firewood into a state park, reservoir, state forest or state fish and wildlife area if:

  • It is kiln-dried scrap lumber with no bark.
  • It is from your home or other Indiana location and has all bark removed.
  • It bears a USDA compliance stamp.
  • It has a state compliance stamp with it.
  • It is purchased from the property camp store or on-site firewood vendor.

Find a firewood vendor who has a State of Indiana compliance agreement.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact firewood@dnr.IN.gov.

Thank you for doing your part to protect and conserve the forest resources on our DNR properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is this rule in place

    The DNR is charged with managing and conserving the natural and cultural resources of Indiana. There are more than 140 pests and pathogens currently identified that can potentially be moved in firewood. Some of these pests can, if introduced to a DNR property, devastate forested areas where popular hiking trails are located and greatly reduce shade in the campgrounds. To learn more about pests in firewood, check out the following link: http://www.dontmovefirewood.org/

  • What are some of the other pests that are transported by firewood?

    There are many, but these are of most concern to DNR: Asian Longhorned Beetle, Thousand Cankers Disease, Sirex Woodwasp and Gypsy Moth, as well as many fungal diseases transmitted by insects.

  • The rule says the only wood I can bring from home is kiln-dried scrap lumber or wood with the bark removed. What is the best way to remove the bark?

    Allow your wood to season for at least a year in a warm, sunny location. For example, stack it on the south or west side of the house. Split the bark off just as you would split larger-diameter pieces into smaller ones to fit into a fire ring.

  • Why does wood that I buy from a local vendor or a department store still have bark on it when I can’t bring wood from home with bark on it?

    If you bought your wood from a department store, grocery store, gas station or other location where the wood is bundled and has a federal compliance stamp, the wood has been processed in a manner that ensures any pests that may have been on the firewood are no longer a concern. There are several processing methods, including heat treatment or fumigation, to kill any pests and pathogens.

  • Can I bring debarked wood from home if I live in another state?

    It depends. Indiana has a quarantine on firewood coming from states with Thousand Canker Disease that includes Tennessee, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania. For the most current list of states from which this material cannot originate, go to www.thousandcankers.com. It’s always best to buy your firewood locally, no matter where you are in the country.

  • Where can I buy wood with a federal compliance stamp?

    You can purchase firewood with a federal compliance stamp at many grocery stores, department stores, gas stations, etc. It is typically bundled in plastic and will have a label that includes the federal compliance stamp. Be sure to keep the label with the stamp handy in case DNR security staff or Indiana conservation officers visit your site and ask about your firewood.

  • Where can I buy wood with a state compliance stamp?

    The Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology certifies Indiana businesses that sell firewood. If you purchase wood from a local vendor near your favorite park, reservoir or state forest, be sure it comes with their state compliance stamp.

    Vendors selling firewood ON state properties at camp stores must obtain a state compliance stamp. They should also be able to provide you with a copy. Be sure to keep the label with the stamp handy in case DNR security staff or Indiana conservation officers visit your site and ask about your firewood.

    Vendors with a valid state compliance agreement will provide you with a copy of the compliance agreement stamp and are listed on the Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology website. (List of vendors) This document is updated regularly.

  • I used to be able to bring in pine. Can I still do that?

    There are pests and pathogens that can be transported in pine firewood. As a result, you must remove the bark from pine firewood before you bring it to a state property from an Indiana county, just as you must remove the bark from hardwood firewood.

  • What will happen if I don’t follow this rule?

    Your wood may be confiscated, and you may be issued a citation if you do not comply with this effort to manage and conserve our forest resources on DNR properties.

  • If I want to sell firewood, how can I get a state compliance agreement?

    This map (click here for the map) provides contact information for your local compliance officer. Contact them for information on becoming an Indiana certified firewood dealer. There is no fee for this service. All wood sold should include a copy of the stamp associated with your compliance agreement.

    Businesses must be registered with the Secretary of State to obtain a compliance agreement. State compliance agreements are not issued to individuals who want to bring firewood onto a property.


    state firewood stamp

    Sample of
    State Firewood Compliance Stamp
    federal firewood stamp

    Sample of
    Federal Firewood Compliance Stamp

For more information