Chinook FWA advisories
- The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has adjusted services, events and operations to protect Hoosiers and prevent further spread of COVID-19. Please visit for a listing of what is open, closed, restricted and canceled.
- All visitors must obtain a one-day access permit before entering the field, regardless of their activity. Visitors must keep their one-day access permit on them while visiting and must complete and return their permit to a self-service booth, drop-box, or the office before leaving.
- Description
Chinook Fish & Wildlife Area is 2,141 acres of rolling grasslands and unreformed wooded parcels. Approximately 80 acres of the property is water (mostly strip pits).
Originally leased as a Public Fishing Area in 1982, Chinook Fish & Wildlife Area opened in 1997 and consisted of 2,141 acres of surface mine land near Vigo county in western Clay County.
Most revenues used in land acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of Chinook Fish and Wildlife Area are derived from the sale of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses. Funds are also received from the federal Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson programs to aid fish and wildlife restoration. These funds are derived from taxes levied on sport hunting, shooting, and fishing equipment. Indiana hunters and anglers are proud to provide this property for the enjoyment of all people.
- Activities
Chinook Fish & Wildlife Area provides fishing for bluegill, redear, bass, trout, crappie and catfish from six strip pits. Strip pits range in size from 3 to 33 acres.
- All fishing requires daily self-service check-in and possession of a daily Permit Card obtained at check-in stations.
- Six boat ramps are located at Little George, Scheister, Worm, Daredevil, Stump Jumper, and Hawg pits.
- Shoreline fishing is allowed.
- Only electric trolling motors are allowed.
- See Fishing Regulations for details.
- All hunting requires daily self-service check-in and possession of a daily permit card obtained at check-in stations.
- Deer, turkey, rabbit, squirrel, quail, dove, woodcock, furbearer and waterfowl hunting are available.
- Dove hunting on managed sunflower fields requires the use of non-toxic shot.
- Bonus antlerless tags are not permitted during deer season and there is no deer hunting during the special antlerless season.
- Trapping is permitted by draw, held the first Saturday in October at 10 a.m. at the Deer Creek Fish & Wildlife Area property office. Call the office at 765-653-0453 for details.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Need a reason to get outside and move? You can volunteer alone or in small groups at this property. Some activities include trash pick-up, basic gardening, painting, and more. Call the property office for details.
Wildlife Watching
- Non-hunting activities, including wildlife watching, walking, mushroom hunting, gathering nuts, etc. require daily self-service check-in and possession of a daily Permit Card obtained at check-in stations.
NO Camping and NO Swimming Allowed.
Please Read and Obey All Signs.
- Rules
For additional property rules visit Indiana Fish & Wildlife Property Rules. For more information contact the office at 765-653-0453.
- Maps