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Plain's Leopard Frog


Plain's Leopard Frog2-3 ½” (5.1-9.5 cm). Dorsolateral ridge starts at the eye and interrupts near back end. Snout spot usually present. External eardrum has light center. Gray or brown with dark round spots on back. Belly is white, groin is often yellow. This is a species of special concern.

Call Description

“Chuck-chuck-chuck”. Guttural sound.

Indiana Range

West-central and northwest Indiana. 


Grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, earthworms, snails


Marshes, along creeks and river bottoms, sluggish streams, and wet meadows.

Breeding Habitat

Marshes, wetlands, fishless ponds, roadside ditches, and ephemeral floodplain pools.

Breeding Season

Mid-March through May.


Plain's Leopard FrogFemales may deposit 3,000-5,000 eggs in globular clusters. Usually laid in shallow water and attached to submerged vegetation a few inches below the surface of the water. Hatch in 1-2 weeks.


Olive brown to green with dark spots. Belly iridescent with visible internal organs. Tail lighter than body, transparent tail fins with dark lines.