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Green Frog
2 ¼ - 3 ½” (5.7-9cm). Light olive brown to dark olive green. Dorsolateral folds (ridges) extend from eye to groin. Large external eardrum that is larger than eye in males and same size in females. Large head, blunt snout, small warts, and long legs. Webbing on toes extends to tips on all but fourth toe. During breeding season, males develop bright yellow throat.
Call Description
Low pitched twanging that sounds like a plucked banjo string or a tight rubber band. Sometimes doubled and repeated at irregular intervals.
Indiana Range
Eats aquatic and terrestrial insects and other invertebrates including beetles, flies, butterflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, slugs, snails, crayfish, millipedes.
Permanent bodies of water, slow sections of streams.
Breeding Habitat
Typically breeds in permanent bodies of water.
Breeding Season
May - Aug
Laid in a mass of 1,000-5,000 in a thin film that touches the surface of the water.
Up to 3-4 inches in total length, yellowish brown to olive green with black flecks and a creamy colored belly. Plump with long tail and high fins. Similar to bullfrog tadpole. Most will overwinter the first year and transform the following summer. Mature approximately one year after metamorphosis.