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American Bullfrog
American Bullfrogs are 3.5 to 6 inches long. They are dark brown, greenish gray, light olive or yellowish green. American Bullfrogs have a large external eardrum; their feet are fully webbed except for the longest toe; and their belly is cream colored. Males have yellow throats during breeding season.
Call Description
American Bullfrogs make a “Brr-wum” sound slowly repeated at intervals of several minutes. It is a deep bass sound.
Indiana Range
Anything it can swallow, including crayfish, insects, worms and snails. Large frogs will eat other frogs, small snakes, mice and birds.
Ponds, lakes, stock ponds, strip mine ponds, permanent marshes and backwaters of larger streams.
Breeding Habitat
Permanent bodies of water.
Breeding Season
May through July.
Eggs are deposited in a surface film containing 10,000 or more eggs. The egg mass may cover up to 5 square feet. Eggs hatch in two to five days.
Tadpoles are olive green with a white or cream belly, similar to green frog tadpoles. Most tadpoles overwinter and transform the next summer; some may take two years.
Rules & Regulations
- American Bullfrogs and green frogs are regulated by hunting and fishing laws in Indiana. The daily bag limit for game frogs is 25 (in aggregate). The possession limit is 50 for game frogs. Please refer to the Indiana Hunting & Trapping Guide or the Indiana Fishing Guide.
- Reptile and Amphibian Regulations.