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Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP)
What is HIP?
A HIP number is required if you hunt migratory game birds in Indiana. If you hunt any of the species below, a HIP number is required in addition to any license requirements.
- ducks
- coots
- doves
- sora
- mergansers
- geese
- woodcock
- snipe
Please have the following information ready when registering for a HIP number:
- Your Indiana Hunting License type and number. For lifetime licenses, add leading zeros to your license number to create an 8-digit number. For example, if you license has number 1234, type “00001234”.
- Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
If you hunted migratory birds or waterfowl last year, please answer these questions.
- Number of ducks harvested
- Number of geese harvested
- Number of mourning doves harvested
- Number of woodcock harvested
- Did you hunt for coots or snipe (y/n)?
- Did you hunt for rails or gallinules (y/n)?
If you are exempt from needing a license to hunt migratory birds in Indiana, you must register for a HIP number through this website. You will need:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Street Address
- County of Residence
- Phone number
- Social Security number or driver’s license number
The system will then produce a customer ID number and a HIP number.
Register for HIP
- Register Online
- Need to look up your HIP number? You will need to log-in to your online account to look up your HIP number or contact DNR at 317-232-4200.
Note: If you are exempt from needing a license you must use the online HIP registration to get your HIP number.
You can also call 1-866-671-4499 to obtain your HIP number.
Need additional help? See our HIP registration instructions.