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Fish & Wildlife Funding
The Division of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) sells hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses. All revenue is used for managing fish and wildlife resources in Indiana. No license money goes into the state general fund.
The DFW also receives money through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Indiana collects about $10 for each fishing license purchase and $50 for each hunting license purchase. Indiana acquired $15.2 million in federal apportionment in 2020. This money is used to manage fish and wildlife resources in Indiana. Even if you don’t hunt or fish, purchasing a combination license ($25 a year for residents) will net an additional $60 in federal funds for Indiana to use on fish and wildlife conservation. Buy a license.
Historical license sales
Historical license sales for Indiana (and all states) can be found at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website. Detailed license sales by license type are not available prior to 2006, when the Division of Fish & Wildlife implemented the electronic license system.
Resident hunting, fishing, and trapping license sales are summarized by season (April 1 to March 31) and county of residence.
Non-resident hunting, fishing, and trapping license sales are summarized by season and state of residence.