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Deer After Hunt Survey
Hunters can provide information about their harvested deer to DNR by participating in the After Hunt Survey. The survey captures biological data that was historically collected at physical deer check stations. These data are important for improving deer management at the county level, by providing biologists a clear understanding of deer population dynamics for each county.
All hunters are encouraged to complete the survey to inform future county deer management decisions. The survey is most accurately completed soon after a successful hunt, while details are easily remembered. However, even delayed responses are valuable, and hunters may participate in the survey any time.
How to participate
- All hunters who successfully harvest a deer can participate in the survey.
- When hunters complete the electronic check-in process they are provided a link to the online survey in their confirmation email.
- The survey requests age, sex, and weight of deer; antler characteristics for bucks; lactation status for does; and hours spent hunting and number of deer observed while hunting.
- A valid Customer ID number and Confirmation number are required to fill out survey.
Historical survey results are available in the annual Indiana White-tailed Deer Reports.