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Turn In a Poacher or Polluter


Call 800-847-4367 for immediate response. Dispatchers available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

File a complaint online.

International Association of Natural Resource Crimestoppers

International Association of Natural Resource Crimestoppers You Tube video

Help support the TIP program by purchasing TIP merchandise. A portion of all TIP merchandise sales will be donated back to the DNR/TIP program.

Purchase a TIP Membership or Merchandise

Help support the TIP program by purchasing TIP merchandise. A portion of all TIP merchandise sales will be donated back to the DNR/TIP program.

Click here to purchase TIP merchandise
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From TIP Board President Joe Cales

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cales

Photo: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cales

"TIP provides an opportunity for Indiana Citizens to have an active part in the protection of our Natural Resources and be the eyes and the ears for our Indiana Conservation Officers, so that our future generations may have the opportunity to enjoy our natural resources as well."


Protect Indiana wildlife

Turn in a Poacher, Inc. (TIP) is a non-profit conservation organization that protects our fish and wildlife resources by increasing public support and involvement in bringing violators to justice.

A poacher is a thief who illegally steals wildlife that belongs to each Indiana citizen. Poachers rob licensed, ethical hunters and fishermen from recreational opportunities they bought through license fees.

Call TIP if you see, hear or learn about a poacher or another fish and wildlife violation. If your “TIP” leads to an arrest, you may receive as much as a $200 reward, and you can remain anonymous.

Officers conducting an investigation
Hunters with an Indiana Conservation Officer

Indiana conservation officers and ethical sportsmen work as a team to stop poaching!

You can contribute to TIP by sending donations to:

Turn in a Poacher, Inc.
402 W. Washington St.
Room W255D
Indianapolis, IN 46204

TIP Citizens Advisory Board

  • Joe Cales
    TIP president
  • Lt. Col Terry Hyndman
    Conservation Officer TIP coordinator
  • Capt. Jet Quillen
    Conservation Officer TIP coordinator
  • Bud Denneman
    National Wild Turkey Federation
  • Allan Fish
    Indy Fly Casters
  • Harold Gregory
    White River Bowhunters Club
  • Gene Hopkins
    Indiana Sportsmen's Roundtable
  • Bob Rippe
    Indiana Sportsmen’s Roundtable
  • Phil Seng
    Hoosier Outdoor Writers
  • Perri Smith
    Indiana Deer Hunters Association
  • Jamie Smyth
    DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
  • Jay Demais
    National Rifle Association
  • Kevin Kahlo
    Sportsman At-large

TIP Rewards

Conservation officers depend on your help to apprehend poachers who illegally take deer, turkey, small game and endangered species. Together, we can be the eyes and ears that make a difference for the fish and wildlife resources of Indiana.

Listed below are the TIPS received.

  • 2018 – 327 TIPS received
  • 2017 – 535 TIPS received
  • 2016 – 246 TIPS received
  • 2015 – 345 TIPS received
  • 2014 – 522 TIPS received

Turn In a Polluter

Indiana Department of Envrironmental Management logo

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) works with the Department of Natural Resources and the public to protect air, land and water quality. Submit a pollution complaint to IDEM.