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Brookville Lake - Hunting and Trapping

P.O. Box 100
Brookville, IN 47012
(765) 647-2657
(765) 647-2658

Mounds SRA and Quakertown SRA

Hunting and Trapping

Brookville Reservoir has over nine thousand acres open to hunting woodland, upland, and furbearer species. Rabbit hunting opens on Nov.1. Migratory game bird and waterfowl hunting are allowed. Special waterfowl hunts at Elly's Creek and the Waterfowl Resting Area are drawn through an on-line application process. Special dove hunts are held each year, and the drawings are conducted on the property.

Brookville Lake allows the use of bonus county antlerless deer tags.

Trapping opportunities are available through a sealed bidding process for specific trapping units. Contact the property office in late summer for details on the bidding process.

All hunters must register and sign the waiver of liability at one of the sixteen hunter sign-in stations on the property. Hunter sign-in is mandatory, and failure to sign in and out properly may result in a fine. All game taken must be recorded on a required one-day hunter permit card that is carried with you as you hunt and turned in at the end of the day. At some properties, the card must be returned to the same hunter sign-in station where the waiver of liability was signed; please look for that requirement when you check-in. Take and use only one card per day. This system provides valuable wildlife management information.

Brookville Reservoir has a non-horseback dog field trial / training area located at the Mounds Recreation Area. Field trials, Shoot to retrieve trials and hunt tests are permitted. This area is also used to train dogs for these tests and for retrieving type dogs. Brookville also has an area at the north end of the property that is used for beagle dog trials. Specific information can be obtained from the property.