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Science & Natural Resources

The Division of State Parks and Reservoirs manages approximately 180,000 acres of the land and water owned by the Department of Natural Resources. Though many areas are developed for different kinds of recreation, much of this acreage is managed for optimum protection and restoration of natural resources. Together, the natural areas program on state parks, and the wildlife management program on reservoirs ensure some of the finest nature-based experiences to be had in the Midwest. 
The Division of State Parks and Reservoirs strives to meet the demand for a variety of outdoor experiences while sustaining the integrity of natural resources. The chief of natural resources routinely works with property staff and partners to ensure optimum management and protection of these resources. Projects are often undertaken with other professional staff, such as the division’s park planner, regarding sustainable development of new trails or introducing new uses at specific sites.

Whether your interest is formal research, hunting waterfowl, photography, or birding, there is surely a place for you among the many different habitats and natural features of Indiana’s State Parks and Reservoirs.