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Mississinewa Lake | Hunting and Trapping

4673 S. 625E.
Peru, IN 46970
(765) 473-6528
(765) 395-7038

Miami SRA, Red Bridge SRA w/marina, Frances Slocum SRA, Pearson Mill SRA

Hunting and Trapping

Mississinewa Lake is located southeast of Peru, south of Wabash and northwest of Marion in Miami, Wabash and Grant counties. Hunting opportunities are available for fox squirrel, cottontail rabbit, deer, bobwhite quail, mourning dove, woodcock, snipe, sora rail, fox and coyote. Waterfowl hunting is available on ponds, marshes, river and the lake. Night hunting for raccoon, opossum, fox and coyote is permitted. Spring turkey hunting is by drawing (reservation only). Fall turkey hunting is not reserved. Mourning dove hunting is by reservation only the first two days of the season. Non-reserved mourning dove hunting is available beginning September 3 except in Dove Management Areas (marked with green signs), which have limited hunts by daily drawing only thru the first week of the season. Check with the office after Aug. 15 for hunting dates and locations of mourning dove management area hunts.

The total acreage at Mississinewa Lake is 14,386 acres (3210 acres water). Camping is available in the Miami S.R.A. only. Seasonal refuge Oct. 1 through Jan. 15 - No Trespassing. Waterfowl resting areas and restricted areas – No Trespassing.

No hunting is allowed in marked safety zones around major recreation areas. All hunting areas are marked with white signs that read: “Wildlife Management Area – Registered Hunters Only”. The management unit number is located directly under the wildlife management area sign.

Mississinewa Lake does not allow the use of bonus antlerless deer tags.

Trapping opportunities are available through a sealed bidding process for specific trapping units. Contact the property office in late summer for details on the bidding process.

All hunters must register and sign the waiver of liability at one of the twelve hunter sign-in stations on the property. Hunter sign-in is mandatory and failure to sign in and out properly may result in a fine. All game taken must be recorded on a required one-day hunter permit card that is carried with you as you hunt and turned in at the end of the day. At some properties, the card must be returned to the same hunter sign-in station where the waiver of liability was signed; please look for that requirement when you check-in. Take and use only one card per day. This system provides valuable wildlife management information.

For additional information about hunting opportunities at Mississinewa Lake, contact: 765-473-6528.

Archery Range

Located just north of the Mississinewa office at 4673 S 625 E, close to the Miami Boat Ramp, the Miami SRA now has a five-target range, from 10-50 yards. The range has a concrete shooting pad, parking, grill and picnic tables adjacent and is crossbow compatible. Field points only, please. Open sunrise to sunset.