Main Content
19th Annual Surface Mined Land Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminar
Indiana Society of Mining and Reclamation - 2005 Presentations
Cannelburg, ISMR (mpg)
- Blasting AIS Kesco Test (mpg)
- Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Ronald H. Carty - IDEM Water Quality Certification for Impacts to Waters of the State
Martha Clark Mettler - Coal Off the Tail (Windows Media Video)
- System to Evaluate Prime Farmland Reclamation Success Based on Spatial Soil Properties
Dunker - IGCC, Indiana Perspective
Marty W. Irwin - American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) as a Future Resource to Enhance Mine Reclamation Productivity
Douglass F. Jacobs - Highwalling
- Origin of Coalbed Gad in Indiana: Insights from Isotopic Ratios
Maria Mastalerz, Dariusz Strapoc, Arndt Schimmelmann - Mercury Emissions Rules, Overview of Hoosier Environmental Council's Petition and EPA's Utility Mercury Rule
Robin Mills Ridgeway - Geological CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Illinois Basin - Research at Indiana Geological Survey
John A. Rupp - Abandoned Mine Lands Program, The Use of Wildlife Enhancement Techniques by the Indiana Abandoned Mines Land Program
Mark Stacy - Energy Policy in the Daniel's Administration
Brandon Seitz - Total Drilling Cost, AC BHMT's Value Proposition
- Origins and Characteristics of Acid-Mine Drainage
Tracy Branam - Blasting Lobb
- Blasting Movie 1 (mpg)
- Blasting Movie 2 (mpg)
- Blasting Movie 3 (mpg)
- Blasting Movie 4 (mpg)
- Blasting Movie 5 (mpg)
- Trouble Shooting: Common Blast Design Pitfalls
William J. Reisz - Blasting Safety: Causes of Accidents
- Basic Rotary Drilling Practices