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23rd Annual Surface Mined Land Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminar
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December 7, 2009
NPDES Permitting & Reporting, and Spill Prevention Countermeasures & Control
From IDEM Office of Water Quality:
- Rose McDaniel, Environmental Mgr I
- Catherine Hess, Chief-Permits Administration
- Sheri Jordan, General Permits Coordinator
- Helen Demmings, Environmental Mgr II
- Jeff Ewick, Chief-Data & Information Services
- Andy Stinchfield, Regional Manager, IDEM, SW Regional Office, Spill Prevention Countermeasures and Control.
Mobile Computing Workshop
- Kwang Min Kim, GIS Specialist, Office of Surface Mining-Alton.
- Len Meier, Branch Chief OSM/MCR Program & Technology
- Randall Mills, Mining Engineer, OSM/MCR Program & Technology Branch, both from Office of Surface Mining-Alton.
Blaster Retraining Workshop
- Phyllis Hart and Rick Grossman, Blasting Specialists, Indiana DNR-Division of Reclamation
- Seth Burns, Midland Powder
- Andrew Alano, Peabody Energy
- Ken Eltschlager 1,2,3 Office of Surface Mining-Pittsburgh
- Dennis Clark, Office of Surface Mining-Knoxville.
December 8, 2009
Current Reforestation Techniques for Peabody Energy in the Midwest
- Dan Williamson, Environmental Specialist, Peabody Energy Corp.
A discussion of Peabody Energy’s reforestation efforts from the 1980’s to present and processes to deal with compaction, rodents, herbaceous ground cover competition, & availability of quality tree seedlings.
Characterization of Indiana’s Coal Mine Aquifer
- Denver Harper, Geologist/GIS Analyst (with Tracy Branam & Nelson Shaffer), Indiana Geological Survey.
Almost 200,000 Indiana acres are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines which may contain 140 billion gallons or more of water. The chemistry and data on 6 of these and future development of the coal-mine aquifer for a variety of beneficial purposes will be discussed.
Stream Restoration / Mitigation Under Section 404 / 401 of the Clean Water Act
- John Richardson, Senior Project Manager, J.F. New & Associates.
There has been a concerted effort in the last 10 years to develop standards for stream mitigation by many states in cooperation with the EPA and Corps. The latest stream mitigation regulations and policies of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky will be discussed.
The Accumulation and Mitigation of Carbon Dioxide in Residential Structures
- Dr. Bret Robinson, Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey.
Carbon dioxide accumulation can happen in homes constructed on or near reclaimed coal mines. At one site in Indiana, building-foundation characteristics were not compatible with the standard mitigation system. Data & mechanical systems used to study this location’s phenomenon will be discussed.
Highwall Mining in the Midwest
- Bradley Charles Lewis, Director of Marketing & Sales, LCG ADDCAR Systems, LLC.
Keys to success in attaining high productivity from highwall mining will be presented.
Alternative Fuels and the U.S. Air Force
- Dr. Tim Edwards, Chemical Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory’s Propulsion Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Discusses present information of the Air Force program to qualify and certify Fischer Tropsch fuels produced from coal and natural gas, and future plans for the use of these fuels in aviation.
Using the Forestry Reclamation Approach for Mine Reclamation with Chestnut and Oak in the Midwest
- Dr. Phil Pope, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University.
Discusses the study taking place at the Somerville Mine concerning restoration of reclaimed mine sites by promoting successful plantation establishment of the American chestnut and high quality oak seedlings.
Indiana Expeditions (no presentation available)
- Rick Crosslin, School Liaison for Science Learning at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum and Science Educator, MSD of Wayne Township Schools.
A lively presentation of fun & informative science activities, including Children’s Museum online resources and Dino Dig Adventures, the Science Works Institute, and lessons from the television show, Indiana Expeditions.
No Till Practices in Reclaimed Prime Farmland Soils
- Barry Fisher, State Agronomist, Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Presents strategies to jump start Conservation Cropping Systems for improving soil quality.