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Indiana Floodplain Information Portal
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is a proven partner to FEMA with a history of providing, maintaining, and improving floodplain management services throughout the state. In partnership with FEMA, the DNR Division of Water has implemented and updated a state of the art Indiana Floodplain Information Portal (INFIP). This application operates as a web-based portal that integrates DNR’s internal applications and databases with enhanced flood mapping repositories and information delivery. The application offers user-friendly internal and external mechanisms for better supporting National Flood Insurance Program compliance and risk awareness, a key objective of FEMA’s Risk MAP program. This application also serves as a proof of concept for FEMA’s latest vision for regulatory products. Combined, these elements are helping Indiana rise as one of the nation’s premier Cooperating Technical Partners.
- A Floodplain Analysis and Regulatory Assessment (FARA) is required for local floodplain permitting and FEMA Letter of Map Amendment applications in A zones.
- A FARA is also required for regulatory determination when the upstream drainage area is greater than 1 square mile, for areas that are unmapped on the FIRM, or for areas known to be flood-prone.
- Base Flood Elevation (BFE) determinations are often used for proposed development and flood insurance purposes.
- The Indiana Floodplain Information Portal (INFIP) displays the Best Available Floodplain mapping as well as an approximate BFE.
- The layers tab allows the user to view the effective layer.
- A FARA can be submitted to the Division of Water by selecting a site in INFIP and using the eFARA wizard to submit the request.
- A BFE will be determined for the site, and the FARA will be emailed to the requestor, property owner, and local floodplain administrator.
First-time users of the site are encouraged to review our help document to better navigate the site.