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Recommended Minimum Separation Distances for Private Wells

Table 1. Minimum Separation Distances for Private Water Wells

Potential Source of Contamination Distance (ft.)
Drains and Sewers (also see Farm Structures)  
rainwater downspout; hydrant drain; independent clear water drain; building foundation drain connected to independent clear water or subsoil drain 10
building foundation drain connected to sanitary or storm sewer 15
subsoil drain; loose-jointed field tile drain 50
"sanitary or storm sewer constructed of water-works-grade ductile iron, cast iron, or PVC pipe with mechanical or push-on joints" 25
"sanitary or storm sewer not constructed of water-works-grade ductile iron, cast iron, or PVC pipe with mechanical or push-on joints" 50
sewage lift station or other sewage pump 50
Pits, Vaults, and Tanks  
cistern; well pit; pump pit; pressure-tank pit; subsurface pump room or reservoir 10
private residential fuel oil tank 25
septic tank; wastewater holding tank; watertight grease basin; sanitary vault privy (with a solid-wall wastewater holding tank) 50
"cesspool; dry well; seepage pit or trench; pit privy (with porous brick-, block-, or stone-lined walls)" 100
surface or subsurface tanks used to store chemicals such as gasoline, pesticides, fuel oil, and fertilizer 100
Water Bodies  
stream, lake, or pond shoreline; open ditch or other waterway 25
constructed wetland 100
Farm Structures  
animal barn with concrete floor; stable; milkhouse 50
feeding pen; livestock run; manure pile 50
conventional silo; glass-lined storage facility 50
watertight milkhouse floor drain (other than cast iron) 50
watertight sewer conveying liquid manure 50
manure holding tank 100
silage pit 100
Disposal Sites  
absorption field 100
wastewater absorption, storage, retention, or treatment pond 500
septage or treated sludge disposal area; ridge-and-furrow waste disposal site; spray-irrigation waste disposal site 500
projection from building (e.g., roof overhang)--clearance for vertical extension of well centerline 5
property line 15
below-ground swimming pool 50
uncovered salt or salt-mixture storage 1,500
residence within 2,500 feet of existing or proposed sanitary landfill--consult Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management / Office of Land Quality -----
water well terminates in creviced or highly porous formation--maintain greater separation distances than shown above -----