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White & West Fork White River Basin

White and West Fork River Basin Map




The document includes 11 plates which are also available for download. Plates 2-9 are in shapefile, .JPG, and .PDF format. Plate 1 is available in .JPG and .PDF format only. The shape can be assembled using ArcExplorer which can be downloaded from ESRI's website.

Plate number Adobe Acrobat PDF format .JPG image file Shape compressed using PK Zip
Plate 1-Bedrock Geology 1.5mb 796kb NA
Plate 2-Quaternary Geologic Map of the West Fork White River Basin 2.8mb 376kb 688kb
Plate 3a-Bedrock Surface topography of the West Fork of the White River Basin (North Map) 1.8mb 591kb 1020kb
Plate 3b-Bedrock Surface topography of the West Fork of the White River Basin (Central Map) 3mb 782kb 2.8mb
Plate 3c-Bedrock Surface topography of the West Fork of the White River Basin (South Map) 2.3mb 565kb 2.1mb
Plate 4-Generalized Potentiometric Surface Map for Selected Counties 1.1mb 550kb 815kb
Plate 5-Bedrock and Unconsolidated Aquifer Systems 2.2mb 468kb 1.2mb
Plate 6-Thickness of Unconsolidated Deposits of Portions of the West Fork of the White River Basin 1.5mb 652kb 1.2mb
Plate 7-Thickness of Silurian and Devonian Carbonate Aquifer System in the Crop Area 1mb 521kb 963kb
Plate 8-Regional Estimates of Transmissivity for Bedrock and Unconsolidated Aquifer Systems 1.1mb 336kb 1.3mb
Plate 9-Locations of Ground-water Chemistry Analysis 550kb 260kb 1.6mb