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Water Resource Assessment 2003-7: Hydrogeology of the Lafayette (Teays) Bedrock Valley System, North-Central Indiana (2003)

Map showing the location of the Lafayette (Teays) bedrock valley in Indiana.

Map showing the location of the Lafayette (Teays) bedrock valley in Indiana.

The document includes 2 plates which are also available for download. Both plates are in shapefile, .JPG, and .PDF format. The shape files can be assembled using ArcExplorer which can be downloaded from ESRI's website.

Plate number Adobe Acrobat PDF format

.JPG image

Shape files compressed using PK Zip
Plate 1 - Bedrock Topography 1.3 mb 424 kb 3.9 mb
Plate 2 - Generalized Potentiometric surface of unconsolidated materials in Teays buried bedrock valley 1.3 mb 423 kb 3.8 mb