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Ground Water Bulletin #42
(1992) Hydrogeology of Union County, Indiana
Interpretive report by John C. Clark about ground-water resources of Union County. Includes brief descriptions of the Ordovician and Silurian age rocks and descriptions of the unconsolidated deposits along with two cross sections. Includes some information on potential well yields and considerable information on water quality. Includes maps of data points, bedrock surface topography, unconsolidated thickness, ground-water availability, and generalized potentiometric surface. Does not include water well records.
- Pages 1-43 (2.3mb)
- Plate 2 (1.1mb)
- Plate 1 (1mb)
- Plate 3 (978kb)
- Plate 4 (943kb)
- Plate 5 (1.1mb)
- Entire document (7.4mb)