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Water Shortage Task Force
October 19, 2007 Meeting Summary
A meeting of the Water Shortage Task was held on October 19, 2007, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (EDT) in Conference Room 4 of the IGCS in Indianapolis. The following is a brief summary of discussion topics, presentations, suggested action items, motions, and a proposed agenda for the upcoming November 30, 2007, task force meeting:
Committee Updates:
No Committee Meetings were conducted; No updates made.
Discussion/Presentation Items:
- Motion was made to for the Water Shortage Task Force to prepare a Legislative Report of Task Force Activities and Progress to be delivered by October 29, 2007. Motion was approved.
- PowerPoint presentation providing an Overview and Evaluation of the Current Hydrologic Data Network [pdf version] by Scott Morlock of the USGS.
- Currently 165 stream gages (148 stream flow, 17 stage-only), 10 lake gages, 1 reservoir gage, and 37 ground-water gages
- Network sites are funded by federal, state and local interests and were established for various purposes
- Review/discussion of Proposed Emergency Rule for Sale of Water (HEA 1738). Water Shortage Task Force comments on proposed rule are being provided by e-mail.
- Legislative Report of Task Force Activities and Progress: Discussion to form study groups to work on issues, establish timetables, and bring them forward for consensus to Water Shortage Task Force. Motion was made to move to consensus on formation of study groups. Motion was approved.
- Report on recent meetings of the Water Resources Study Committee and Indiana Association of Cities and Towns.
- Presentations to Water Resources Study Committee were made by staff from IDNR, IDEM, and IURC at October 9, 2007, meeting in Indianapolis, and are available for viewing on the Water Shortage Plan Website.
- Presentations on managing water shortages were made by various groups to the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns at their October 8, 2007, meeting in Evansville.
- November 30 and December 21, 2007, Task Force Meetings are posted on the website. January through June, 2008, Task Force Meetings will be scheduled for the third Friday of each month and posted on website.
Upcoming Task Force Meeting:
- Water Shortage Task Force Meeting scheduled for November 30, 2007, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm (EST) in Conference Room A of the IGCS. Tentative agenda items include:
- Report of Water Use and Hydrologic Data Network in the Kankakee Basin
- Overview of study group membership and timetables for completion of Water Shortage Plan tasks
- Discussion of Water Shortage Planning Areas