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Current Streamflow Conditions
Sources of Information
Indiana Current Streamflow Conditions - U.S. Geological Survey. Clickable map shows Daily Streamflow Conditions for Indiana relative to normal for the current day of the year. Another Clickable Map for Indiana provides Real-Time Conditions. Select a station number to view graph(s) and other data for the station.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Water Division. This site allows users to access real-time and archival data. It integrates the real-time and historical data that has been on the web for several years with other types of data including historical water-quality data from rivers and aquifers.
Current Hydrologic Conditions - National Weather Service, Office of Hydrologic Development. This site includes information on Current Hydrologic Conditions; the NWS Flood Summary, by date; Water Supply Outlooks; and Drought; and the integrated Flood Observing and Warning System (IFLOWS) Data System. To obtain the information, click on NWS Hydrology and pick the topic of choice.
River Watch-Mississippi River Basin - NWS and NOAA. The River Watch Mississippi River Basin site has been developed by three regions from the NWS in order to make it easier to get all Mississippi mainstem rivers forecast information from one central location. Just click on the river basin of your choice to get the updated stages and forecasts.
Ohio River Forecast Center - National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This site provides clickable maps, plotted points represent places where recent river gage readings are available and colored according to their value as: Low, Alert, or In flood. Gage Summary Information may also be retrieved. 'Maps of OHRFC' also provides maps of River Basins and Major Rivers within the Ohio River Forecast area. 'Drought' site also has Ohio Valley precipitation information related to drought.