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Procedure for Importing Tab-delimited Well Record Data
- Microsoft Excel 97 (4.0).
- Many of the following procedures are default options. There are two files associated with each download of data. The "wells.txt" file contains all the data available on a well record except the lithology. This information is contained within the "litho.txt" file. Both files can be linked by the "refno" field.
- From the File menu in Excel select open.
- Select either all files (*.*) or text files (*.txt) from the files of type box. Then, move to the directory where the tab-delimited file is stored. Highlight it and select open.
- From step one of the Text Import Wizard box select delimited as the file type and start the import at row 1 (use row 2 if you intend on keeping the tab-delimited format but wish to import/link the files to Microsoft Access). The data type should be ANSI (windows). Then, select the next button. From step two of the Text Import Wizard box select tab as the delimiter and single quotes (") as the text qualifier. Select the next button again.
- From step three of the Text Import Wizard box select general as the column data format. Select the finish button.
- You should now see the data. If you intend on importing/linking files to Microsoft Access, save the file as an Excel document.
- Microsoft Access 97 (4.0).
- It is recommended that the user import Excel file formats into Access using the procedure above. There may be difficulty importing tab-delimited files directly into Access unless the user deletes the first row of data (see step 3 above). This will result in the loss of field headings.
- To import either Excel or tab-delimited files to Access you must create a blank database. Do this by selecting new from the file menu and then select a blank database from the options available. Select the create button and provide a name for the database or take the default.
- You should now be in a database view with six tab options available. From the tables option select new to import or link data to a new table. The import option converts the data to an Access table. However, if you choose to link data the user is able to keep the tab-delimited or Excel file formats for use in other applications as well as having the ability to use the data in Microsoft Access.
- Select the appropriate file format (*.txt or *.xls) to import or link from the files of type selection box. Move to the directory where the file is stored and highlight it. Then, select the link or import button.
- Microsoft Access allows the user to establish the first row of data as column/field headings. Check this box if you are importing or linking Excel file formats. Then, select the next button.
- Import/link the data into a new table unless you have a previously established table of data of the same format and structure. Select the next button again.
- Select the "refno" data field as an indexed field with no duplicates. You cannot index this field for tab-delimited files unless the first row of data containing field headings has been removed. Select the next button.
- Choose a primary key. This allows the user to establish each well record as unique and is necessary to link the well data with the appropriate lithologic data. Choose the "refno" field as the primary key for both data tables. Select the next button.
- Name the data table and select finish.