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Little/Grand Calumet River

Beck Ditch Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Bock Arm Bock Arm, Kimball Ditch, Lubke Arm, White Ditch
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Burns Ditch Deep River & Burns Ditch: Lake County
Burns Waterway Point Coordination Table
Chapel Manor Lateral Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
Coffee Creek Chesterton: Coffee Creek
Crissman Ditch
(UNT Willow Creek)
Willow Creek Basin: NW Porter County
Deep River Deep River & Burns Ditch: Lake County
Deer Creek
(UNT Trail Creek)
Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Duck Creek Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
Dyer Ditch Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
East Arm Little Calumet River East Arm Little Calumet River: Northern Porter County
Grand Calumet River Grand Calumet River
Hart Ditch Hart Ditch
Indiana Harbor Canal Little Calumet River, Indiana Harbor Canal
Kaiser Ditch Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
Kahler Pond Point Coordination Table
Kimball Ditch Bock Arm, Kimball Ditch, Lubke Arm, White Ditch
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Kintzele Ditch Point Coordination Table
Lake George Canal Point Coordination Table
Lenburg Ditch
(UNT Willow Creek)
Willow Creek Basin: NW Porter County
Little Calumet River Little Calumet River, Indiana Harbor Canal
Lubke Arm Bock Arm, Kimball Ditch, Lubke Arm, White Ditch
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Marsh Ditch
(UNT Cady Marsh Ditch)
Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
Meadowdale Branch
(UNT Turkey Creek at RM 5.270)
Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
North Branch Deer Creek Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Otter Creek Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Peterson Ditch Peterson Ditch: Northern Porter County
Robbins Ditch Robbins Ditch: Northern Porter County
Salt Creek Salt Creek: Porter County:
Sand Creek Chesterton: Sand Creek
Scherereville Ditch Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
Schilling Ditch Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
Schoon Ditch Point Coordination Table
Seberger Ditch
(UNT Cady Marsh Ditch)
Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
Shilling Ditch
(UNT Dyer Ditch)
Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries: Lake County
Striebel Arm Striebel Arm
Trail Creek Trail Creek: NW LaPorte County
Turkey Creek Turkey Creek: Lake County
UNT Cady Marsh Ditch
(Seberger Ditch)
Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries
UNT Duck Creek
(near west edge of Sec 33, T 36 N, R 11 W)
Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
UNT Dyer Ditch
(Shilling Ditch)
Dyer Ditch, Hart and Dyer Tributaries
UNT Trail Creek
(Deer Creek)
Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
UNT Turkey Creek at RM 3.88
(Chapel Manor Lateral)
Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
UNT Turkey Creek at RM 5.27
(Meadowdale Branch)
Tributaries to Deep River and Turkey Creek: Lake County
UNT UNT Trail Creek
(NBR Deer Creek)
Beck Ditch, Deer Creek, NBR Deer Creek, Otter Creek
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
UNT Willow Creek
(Crissman Ditch)
Willow Creek Basin: Northwest Porter County
UNT Willow Creek
(Lenburg Ditch)
Willow Creek Basin: Northwest Porter County
White Ditch Bock Arm, Kimball Ditch, Lubke Arm, White Ditch
10 year, 25 year, 50 year, 100 year
Willow Creek Willow Creek Basin: Northwest Porter County