Main Content
Application Status
2-13-1 Online Permit Application Database
2-13-2 Telephone
2-13-3 E-Mail
2-13-1 Online Permit Application Database
The Permit Application Database provides the easiest and most up to date status information for permit applications. The online database is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and contains permit information for applications processed since 1990. It is searchable by the following fields:
- Application Number
- Primary Applicant's Name
- Primary Agent's Name
- Stream/Lake Name
- County Name
- City Name
Searches of the Online Permit Application Database can be further limited by searching a combination of the above fields.
2-13-2 Telephone:
A. Direct all telephone status inquiries to:
- Division of Water at (317) 232-4160 or toll-free 1-877-928-3755.
B. Provide the following:
- application number; and/or
- applicant's name.
2-13-3 E-Mail:
A. Direct all e-mail status inquiries to:
B. Provide the following:
- application number;
- administrative staff member's name;
- technical staff member's name
- environmental staff member's name;
- complete return e-mail address; and
- statement outlining the information being sought.
C. The inquiry will be routed to the appropriate staff member who will prepare and e-mail a response.