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Project Photographs

2-8-1 Images
2-8-2 Photo Orientation Map
2-8-3 Photo Documentation
2-8-4 Suggested Orientation Maps and Photo Locations by Project Type
2-8-5 Example Photo Orientation Map and Documentation

2-8 Project Photographs:

Provide sufficient color photographic documentation to allow Department staff to visualize the project site and surrounding area. Include the following items:

2-8-1 Images:

A. Provide photographic images in one or more of the following forms:

1. normal, land based, color photographic prints;
2. panoramic, land based, color photographic prints;
3. color photocopies of normal and/or panoramic land based, color photographic prints; and/or
4 land based, color digital images.

B. Aerial photographic prints and/or VHS videotape may be provided as a supplement to the documentation; however, they may not be used as a substitute for the land based photography.

C. The images should be taken during the late Spring through early Fall so the vegetation may be clearly depicted. If they cannot be taken during this time period, the site must be free of snow and ice cover.

2-8-2 Photo Orientation Map:

A. Provide a simplified map detailing the location and orientation of each image. The map, sized to cover the project site and surrounding area, must include the following:

1. title block containing:
a. applicant's name;
b. agent's name, (if applicable);
c. project title;
d. date;
2. number and orientation of each image;
3. north arrow; and
4. flow direction, (if applicable).

B. Maps detailing the quantity, orientation and subject matter of the photographic images required for various project types have been included later in this section. They are presented for overall guidance, project conditions may necessitate some variation from the information shown. The applicant must exercise judgment when selecting the number and orientation of the actual site images.

2-8-3 Photo Documentation:

A. Mount the images on 8½" x 11" white bond paper with no more than 3 images per sheet. Describe the parameters and content of each image through a narrative statement placed on the page on which the image is mounted. The statement must include each of the following:

1. image number (as shown on the orientation map);
2. direction taken;
3. date taken; and
4. statement on the image's content.
a. include any special information to be brought to the Department's attention.

2-8-4 Suggested Orientation Maps and Photo Locations:

A. Suggested photo orientation maps and documentation are included on the following pages.

  1. Bank Protection Project
  2. Bridge, Culvert, or Ford
  3. Channel - New or Realignment
  4. Channel - Reconstruction
  5. Development
  6. Dredging or Sediment Trap
  7. Fill
  8. Levee
  9. Outfall
  10. Utility Line
  11. Boat Ramp or Boat Well
  12. Channel Dredging
  13. Lakebed Dredging
  14. Pier
  15. Seawall - New or Reface
  16. Underwater Beach

B. Due to the size and/or complexity of certain project types, their photo orientation and documentation cannot be depicted through generalized examples. For these project types, or any other which the applicant believes cannot be typified via the examples, consultation with the Division of Water is advised prior to the preparation of the photographic documentation. Projects subject to consultation include:

  1. access channels;
  2. dams;
  3. fish attractors;
  4. golf courses;
  5. Lake Michigan projects; or
  6. sand and/or gravel operations.

2-8-5 Example Photo Orientation Map and Documentation:

A. The following is an example of a photo orientation map and documentation for a typical bridge project. This example is presented for illustrative purposes only. Click on the image number to view the example photograph and description.

Example Photo Orientation Map

Documentation for photo 7Documentation for photo 3Documentation for photo 6Documentation for photo 5Documentation for photo 2Documentation for photo 4Documentation for photo 1Documentation for photo 9Documentation for photo 10Documentation for photo 8

Bank Protection Project

Bank Protection Project # Photo Taken From 1. Upstream of the project looking downstream at the area to be protected


2. Downstream of the project looking upstream at the area to be protected

3. Opposite bank looking across at the upstream portion of the area to be protected

4. Within the project reach on the opposite bank looking across at the area to be protected

5. Opposite bank looking across at the downstream portion of the area to be protected

Note: The photograph taken within the project reach along the area to be protected (4) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions

Bridge, Culvert, or Ford

Bridge, Culvert, or Ford # Photo Taken From 1. Roadway in the left floodplain looking downstream at the left floodplain


2. Structure looking downstream at the channel

3. Roadway in the right floodplain looking downstream at the right floodplain

4. Roadway in the left floodplain looking upstream at the left floodplain

5. Structure looking upstream at the channel

6. Roadway in the right floodplain looking upstream at the right floodplain

7. Downstream floodplain looking upstream at the structure

8. Upstream floodplain looking downstream at the structure

9. Structure looking at the roadway in the left floodplain

10. Structure looking at the roadway in the right floodplain

Channel - New or Realignment

Channel - New or Realignment # Photo Taken From 1. Upstream of the new channel looking downstream at the existing channel


2. Looking across at the upstream intersection of the new and existing channels

3. Within the project reach looking downstream at the existing channel

4. Within the project reach looking downstream at the existing channel

5. Looking across at the downstream intersection of the new and existing channels

6. Within the project reach looking downstream along the alignment of the new channel

7. Within the project reach looking downstream along the alignment of the new channel

Note: The photographs taken within the project reach along the existing channel (3, 4) and the new channel (6, 7) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions

Channel - Reconstruction

Channel - Reconstruction # Photo Taken From 1. Upstream of the project looking downstream at the channel


2. Upstream end of the project looking downstream at the channel

3. Upstream end of the project looking downstream at the floodplain serving as the work area

4. Within the project reach looking downstream at the channel

5. Within the project reach looking downstream at the floodplain serving as the work area

6. Downstream of the project looking downstream at the channel

Note: The photographs taken within the project reach along the channel (2, 4) and the floodplain (3, 5) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions


Development # Photo Taken From 1. Downstream looking downstream at the channel


2. Downstream looking upstream at the channel

3. Upstream looking downstream at the channel

4. Upstream looking upstream at the channel

5. Floodplain looking toward the channel at the site

6. Floodplain downstream of the site looking upstream

7. Opposite floodplain looking at the site

8. Opposite floodplain looking at the site

Note: The photographs taken of the site (2,3, 5, 6, 7, 8)) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions.

Photographs must also be submitted for the individual project components according to the criteria established for the components

Dredging or Sediment Trap

Dredging or Sediment Trap # Photo Taken From 1. Upstream of the project site looking upstream at the channel


2. Upstream end of the project looking downstream at the area to be dredged

3. Within the project area looking downstream at the area to be dredged

4. Downstream end of the project looking upstream at the area to be dredged

5. Downstream of the project site looking downstream at the channel

Note: The photograph taken of the area to be dredged (3) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions


Fill # Photo Taken From 1. Left floodplain looking downstream at the left floodplain


2. Channel bank looking downstream at the channel

3. Right floodplain looking downstream at the right floodplain

4. Left floodplain looking upstream at the left floodplain

5. Channel bank looking upstream at the channel

6. Right floodplain looking upstream at the right floodplain

7. Floodplain looking downstream at the project site

8. Opposite floodplain looking across at the area to be filled

Note: The photographs taken of the project area (7, 8) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions


Levee # Photo Taken From 1. Left floodplain looking downstream at the left floodplain


2. Channel bank looking downstream at the channel

3. Right floodplain looking downstream at the right floodplain

4. Left floodplain looking downstream at the left floodplain within the area to be protected by the levee

5. Channel bank looking downstream at the channel along the levee

6. Right floodplain looking downstream at the right floodplain opposite of the levee

7. Left floodplain looking upstream at the left floodplain

8. Channel bank looking upstream at the channel

9. Right floodplain looking upstream at the right floodplain

Note: The photographs taken within the levee reach (4, 5, 6) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions


Outfall # Photo Taken From 1. Floodplain looking toward the channel along the outfall pipe


2. Near the outfall structure looking away from the channel along the outfall pipe

3. Channel bank looking at the outfall structure

4. Opposite channel bank looking at the outfall structure

Utility Line

Utility Line # Photo Taken From 1. Left floodplain near the channel looking away from the channel along the utility line


2. Right floodplain near the channel looking away from the channel along the utility line

3. Left floodplain away from the channel looking toward the channel along the utility line

4. Right floodplain away from the channel looking toward the channel along the utility line

5. Right floodplain along the channel downstream of the utility line looking upstream at the utility line crossing

Boat Ramp or Boat Well

Boat Ramp or Boat Well # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking at the boatwell site


2. Shoreline looking at the boatwell site

3. Shoreline looking at the boatwell site

Channel Dredging

Channel Dredging # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking landward at the project area


2. Shoreline looking at the lakeward end of the project area

3. Shoreline looking at the project area

4. Shoreline looking at the landward end of the project area

5. End of the channel looking lakeward at the project area

Note: The photograph taken along the project area (3) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions

Lakebed Dredging

Lakebed Dredging # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking landward at the project area


2. Shoreline looking across at the project area

3. Shoreline looking lakeward at the project area

4. Shoreline looking across at the project area

Note: The photographs of the project area (1, 2, 3, 4) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions


Pier # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking landward along the proposed pier


2. Shoreline looking lakeward and away form the proposed pier

3. Land looking lakeward along the proposed pier

4. Shoreline looking lakeward and away form the proposed pier

Note: The photographs taken on the side of the proposed pier (2, 4) should be oriented to show piers on adjacent properties.

Seawall - New or Reface

Seawall - New or Reface # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking landward at the seawall


2. Shoreline at the end of the seawall looking away from the project

3. Shoreline at the end of the seawall looking along the project

4. Shoreline at the end of the seawall looking along the project

5. Shoreline at the end of the seawall looking away from the project

Note: The photographs taken of the seawall (1, 3, 4) should be repeated at sufficient intervals to fully characterize the site conditions.

Underwater Beach

Underwater Beach # Photo Taken From 1. Lake looking landward at the underwater beach area


2. Shoreline looking at the beach area

3. Shoreline looking at the beach area