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Disturbed Area Drawing

Provide a drawing containing sufficient information to allow Department staff to visualize the area and magnitude of the land disturbing activities.

2-7-1 Drawing Requirements:

A. The disturbed area drawing must include:

  1. delineation of the area(s) to be disturbed including;
    1. vegetation type(s), e.g. forest, wetlands, crop field, etc;
    2. size of the disturbed area(s);
    3. distance(s) to the top of bank or shoreline; and
    4. right(s)-of-way and/or property line(s).
  2. north arrow; and
  3. title block containing:
    1. a. applicant's name;
    2. agent's name, (if applicable); and
    3. project title.

B. The following are examples of disturbed area drawings:

  1. Example Manual Disturbed Area Drawing
  2. Example CAD Generated Disturbed Area Drawing

Example Manual Disturbed Area Drawing

Sample plan of disturbed area

Example CAD Generated Disturbed Area Drawing

Sample plan of disturbed area