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Project Description
2-5-1 Description Narrative
2-5-2 Example Project Descriptions by Application Type:
- Access Channel
- Construction in a Floodway
- Bank Protection - Riprap
- Bank Protection - Seawall
- Bridge - New
- Bridge - Replacement
- Bridge - Widening
- Channel - Realignment or Reconstruction
- Culvert - New
- Culvert - Replacement
- Dam
- Development - Commercial
- Development - Residential
- Dredging
- Fill
- Golf Course
- Levee - New
- Levee - Repair
- Outfall Structure
- Sediment Basin or Trap
- Utility Line - Aerial
- Utility Line - Underground
- "Ditch" Reconstruction
- Lake Michigan
- Navigable Waterway
- Public Freshwater Lake
- Sand and Gravel Mining
2-5-1 Description Narrative:
A. Provide a narrative statement outlining the project scope. The narrative must include:
1. an introductory statement on the overall project scope;
2. the reason or necessity for the project;
3. a description of each major component, including but not limited to the:
a. type;
b. location;
c. dimensions;
d. whether or not the component is new construction or an existing element; and
e. elevations (if applicable);
4. information relative to any additional material submitted.
2-5-2 Example Project Descriptions By Application Type:
A. Access Channel:
1. An access channel will be excavated along the (north) bank of the river to provide access for a proposed marina development. The channel will be approximately 300' long, 100' wide and will be excavated to a depth of 15' below the existing grade. It will have 2:1 side slopes which will be stabilized with end dumped riprap placed over a geotextile fabric and filter layer. Fill removed from the excavation will be hauled to a disposal site located outside of the floodway where it will be graded and seeded. The construction will require the excavation of 11,700 yd³ of material followed by maintenance dredging on an as needed basis. During construction an earthen plug will separate the river from the channel. Once the excavation has been completed and stabilized, the plug will be removed and the channel flooded. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
B. Construction In A Floodway:
1. Bank Protection - Riprap (view example bank stabilization plan) | (view example steel piling or vinyl seawall plan for streams)
Approximately 250' of Eagle Creek's eroded streambank will be stabilized with end dumped riprap placed over a geotextile fabric to protect the bank from further erosion. The riprap will be keyed into the streambed at its base and will conform to the existing bank at the project limits. It will have a maximum height of 5', a maximum streamward projection of 2' beyond the existing bank, and 1:1 sideslopes. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
An existing, deteriorated, wooden seawall will be replaced with a new steel sheet piling seawall along 150' of the riverbank to deter bank erosion. The new wall will be approximately 4' high, as measured from the riverbed, will have the same alignment as the existing wall, and will tie into existing seawalls located on adjacent properties located to the east and the west. The piling will be driven approximately 10' into the riverbed and will be anchored with deadmen spaced at 15' intervals. A whaler will be placed across the face of the wall to further stabilize the sheet piling. Clean fill will be brought onsite to backfill the area landward of the new seawall. The fill will be leveled with the top of the wall at the river and will be tapered back to existing ground elevations within the project site. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
3. Bridge - New (view example bridge project plan)
A new bridge will be constructed over Indian Creek to carry the extension of Oakmont Avenue across the stream. The new structure will be a single span continuous prestressed concrete I-beam bridge with span length of 70'. The structure will have an out-to-out length of 80' and a clear roadway width of 35'. The spill through abutments will have 2:1 sideslopes armored with limestone riprap placed over a geotextile fabric. The abutments and piers will be skewed 10° to align with streamflow. The approach roads will be elevated a maximum of 3.5' above the existing grade. A temporary construction access crossing will be placed within the right-of-way on the downstream (west) side of the proposed bridge. It will be completely removed from the floodway upon completion of the bridge. The project is entirely federally funded. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
4. Bridge - Replacement (view example bridge project plan)
The existing steel truss bridge carrying County Road 650 North over Bean Creek will be replaced with a new structure on essentially the same alignment to improve traffic flow. The new structure will be a single span continuous composite girder bridge with span length of 70’. The structure will have an out-to-out length of 80' and a clear roadway width of 35'. The spill through abutments will have 2:1 sideslopes armored with limestone riprap placed over a geotextile fabric. The abutments and piers will be skewed 10° to align with the streamflow. The new approach roads will not be raised above the existing approaches. The existing structure will be completely removed. The project is partially federally funded. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
5. Bridge - Widening (view example bridge project plan)
The superstructure of the existing 2-span bridge carrying State Road 135 over Buffalo Creek will be widened to 4 lanes to reduce traffic congestion. The 41'-6" deck will be increased by extending both the abutments and piers upstream and downstream 10'-11" thereby increasing the out-to-out width to 63'-4". The approach roads will not be raised and there will be minimal work in the channel. Color photographs and plans are enclosed in the application package.
6. Channel - Realignment or Reconstruction
Approximately 1,450' of the Ransfield Creek channel will be realigned and straightened to reduce residential flood damage. The new channel will be approximately 890' long. It will be 3' deep, with an 8' bottom width and 2:1 sideslopes. A sediment trap will be constructed at the downstream end of the new channel. The trap will be 1½' deep, 50' long and as wide as the new channel bottom. The channel will be excavated "in the dry" and will not be connected to the existing channel until the excavation has been stabilized. Material excavated from the construction of the new channel will be stockpiled for later use as fill for the old channel. If additional fill material is required it will be brought onsite from an outside source. Additionally, approximately 1,230' of existing channel immediately upstream of the realigned section will be cleared of brush and debris. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
7. Culvert - New (view example culvert plan)
A new culvert crossing will be placed in Anderson Ditch to carry the North Corridor roadway project across the ditch. The new crossing will consist of 2, parallel 8' x 8' x 150' concrete box culverts set in concrete headwalls. They will have upstream and downstream inverts of 765.39 ft, NGVD and 764.85 ft, NGVD, respectively. The inlet ends of the culverts will be beveled. Both the culverts and headwalls will be skewed 12° to align with streamflow. Minor channel shaping will occur both downstream and upstream of the crossing to provide a better flow transition into and out of the culvert system. The shaping will be confined to the construction right-of-way. The shaped areas will be lined with an 18" thick layer of limestone riprap placed over a geotextile fabric. The approach roads will be constructed on fill placed to a maximum height of 5' over the existing elevations. The crown of the roadway over the culverts will be at 776.5 ft, NGVD. A 3' high concrete sidewall will be placed along each side of the roadway over the channel. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
8. Culvert - Replacement (view example culvert plan)
The existing 9' x 6' x 65' corrugated metal pipe culvert carrying Prairie Drive over Kelly Creek will be replaced with a new culvert system to reduce upstream flood damages. The new crossing will consist of a 12' x 8' x 100' long concrete box culvert set in concrete headwalls. The new culvert will have an upstream and downstream invert of 831.9 ft, NGVD and 831.5 ft, NGVD respectively. The inlet end of the culvert will be beveled. The culvert and headwalls will be skewed 15° to align with streamflow. Minor channel shaping will occur both downstream and upstream of the new culvert to improve the flow transition at the crossing. The shaping will be confined to the construction right-of-way. The reshaped areas will be stabilized with an 18" thick layer of limestone riprap placed over a geotextile fabric. The roadway will be elevated approximately 1½' above the existing road elevations. The crown of the roadway over the new culvert will be at 840.0 ft, NGVD. Steel W-beam guardrails will be placed along each side of the roadway over the channel. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
9. Dam
An earthen dam will be constructed across the Jones Creek valley to create a 167 acre recreational lake. The dam will be approximately 680' long and 26' high. It will have a crest elevation of 495', NGVD and a 15' top width. The embankment slopes will be 2:1 and 3:1 on the upstream and downstream faces, respectively. The upstream shoreline will be lined with end dumped riprap. A 5' deep core trench with a 12' bottom width will be excavated. The trench will be backfilled with clay soil and compacted. The principal spillway will consist of 183' of 24" reinforced concrete pressure pipe fitted with 3, 4' x 4' antiseep collars. The principal spillway pipe will be connected to a 2 way covered riser. The structure is designed to maintain a normal pool elevation of 485', NGVD. A vegetated emergency spillway will be constructed in the left (east) abutment. It will have a 24' bottom width, 5:1 sideslopes, and a control elevation of 491', NGVD. Other structural features include a drawdown pipe, riprap along the downstream toe, a toe drain and a stilling basin at the principal spillway outlet. Plans, specifications and color site photographs are enclosed in the application package.
A commercial facility will be developed along Clarks Creek to provide space for a shopping center. The facility will consist of a 100' by 400' masonry and steel building and asphalt parking area constructed on compacted fill placed along the north bank. The fill will cover a 400' by 800' area and will vary in depth from 1' at the landward edge to 5' near the stream. It will be set back 100' from the top of the streambank and will have a finished elevation of 661.5 ft, NGVD. The fill will have 3:1 sideslopes from the finished grade down to the existing floodplain elevations. The parking area will be constructed at the fill's finished elevation. The building's lowest floor elevation will be 663. ft, NGVD. Additional material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
11. Development - Residential (View example residential subdivision project plan)
Residential Development
A new residential development, Meadow View Estates - Section 1, will be constructed along the north bank of the creek to provide additional housing for the rapidly growing area. Floodway construction activities associated with this development include:
- a small portion of an approximately 520' x 200' x 10' deep incised, stormwater detention basin. Runoff will be directed to the basin through reinforced concrete storm sewers constructed within the development outside of the floodway. Material excavated from the basin will be used to elevate the building pads;
- a 100' long outfall system consisting of a 48" diameter reinforced concrete pipe buried 3' below the existing ground elevations. The system will convey stormwater from the detention basin to the stream. It will terminate in a concrete end section that will conform to the streambank. Riprap will be placed at the base of the end section for energy dissipation;
- a stream crossing consisting of a 6' x 6' x 70' precast concrete box culvert set in concrete headwalls. The culvert will have an upstream and downstream invert of 842.6 ft, NGVD and 842.5 ft, NGVD, respectively. The inlet ends of the culvert will be beveled. Both the culvert and headwalls will be skewed 19° to align with streamflow. The channel entering and exiting the culvert will be lined with an 18" thick layer of limestone riprap placed over a geotextile fabric;
- a 24" diameter PVC sanitary sewer buried 4' beneath the streambed and 3' below the banks using the directional bore method. The sewer will have a 12" concrete encasement for the section below the streambed; and
- approximately 1200’ of an 8’ wide paved pedestrian trail constructed at existing grade.
Additional material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
12. Dredging (view example channel dredging plan for streams)< font>
Approximately 1,000' of the Fall Creek Flood Control Channel will be dredged to a depth of 2' to restore the channel to its design configuration. The dredging will be performed by a floating hydraulic dredge. The excavated material will be piped to an upland detention area where it will be dewatered before being transported to an offsite disposal area. Adequate detention time will be provided to allow suspended sediments to settle out of the decanted water before returning the water to the stream. Additional material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
13. Fill (View example fill project plan)
A 75' x 500' area will be filled in the south floodplain of Lick Creek for the development of a parking lot. The fill will vary in depth from 6" on the landward side to approximately 21.5' on the streamward side. It will be set 140' back from the top of the bank and will have 3:1 sideslopes. The fill's finished elevation will be 820.0’, NGVD. The parking lot will be constructed on top of the completed fill. The fill material will be obtained by excavating a borrow pit approximately 100' south of the proposed fill area. The pit will be approximately 100' x 120' with an average depth of 10'. Approximately 25% of the shoreline will be maintained at a shallow slope to encourage the development of wetland vegetation. Plans, specifications and color site photographs are enclosed in the application package.
14. Golf Course
A new 18 hole public golf course will be developed along both sides of Elliott Creek to provide additional recreational opportunities in the area. Activities within the floodway include:
1. the construction of 9, 20' long wooden bridges across the stream for pedestrian and golf cart traffic. The bridges will span the stream between the top of banks. The low structures will be set at the top of bank elevation. There will be no in channel work associated with the bridge placement;
2. the regrading of the natural contours for the construction of greens, tees, traps, and fairways;
3. the excavation of 3 sediment traps. The traps will be 50' long, 3' deep, and as wide as the channel bottom. They will be located at the start and end of the project and at the halfway point;
4. the excavation of a 145' x 85' x 15' deep incised retention pond and an outlet drainage swale along the east bank of the creek;
5. the placement of 6 stormwater outfall structures at various locations along the streambank. Each outfall will terminate in a steel end section that will conform to the streambank. Riprap over geotextile fabric mats will be placed for energy dissipation;
6. the construction of a 104' x 42' clubhouse with a finished floor elevation of 654.8 ft, NGVD approximately 125' landward of the western streambank near hole #18. A 100' x 200' gravel parking lot will be constructed at grade on the landward side of the clubhouse;
7. the placement of a 3" diameter sanitary sewer force main under the stream. The main will be constructed via directional bore and will have a minimum cover of 4' beneath the streambed and 3' in the banks; and
8. miscellaneous construction activities including, but not limited to; the removal of trees for the construction of fairways; the reforestation of hardwood trees; the placement of coconut fiber mat and vegetative plantings for sediment control and bank stabilization.
Color photographs, plans and construction specifications are enclosed in the application package.
15. Levee - New
A 1,400' long levee will be constructed along the south bank of the Little Calumet River to provide flood protection for a residential area. The levee crest will slope uniformly from an elevation of 602.5', NGVD at the upstream end to 602.0', NGVD at the downstream end. The 10' wide crest will be covered with a gravel recreational trail which will also serve as a maintenance road. The streamward and landward sideslopes will be 2.5:1 and 5:1 respectively. Color photographs, plans and construction specifications are enclosed in the application package.
Approximately 600' of an existing, flood damaged, agricultural levee along the west bank of the White River will be repaired to its original condition to minimize future crop losses. The levee's original height of 8' to 10', top width of 8', and 3:1 sideslopes will be maintained in the reconstructed segment. Color photographs, plans and construction specifications are enclosed in the application package.
17. Outfall Structure (view example outfall structure project plan)
A stormwater outfall structure will be constructed near Eagle Creek to improve drainage from the Gatewood Subdivision which is located landward of the floodway. A 24" reinforced concrete outfall pipe will be buried to a depth of 2' in the floodplain. The 200' long pipe will carry stormwater from the residential area to the creek. The pipe will terminate with a concrete end section that will conform to the bank slope. A flapgate will be placed at the end of the pipe to prevent backflow into the subdivision. Riprap placed over a geotextile fabric will be placed at the base of the end section for erosion control. Color photographs and plans are enclosed in the application package.
A 50' long, 3' deep, channel width sediment trap will be excavated in the Posey Ditch channel to reduce the sediment load entering Chadwick Lake. The excavated material will be spread along the eastern top of bank and will be graded to a maximum depth of 6". Color photographs, plans and construction specifications are enclosed in the application package.
19. Utility Line - Aerial
A 3" steel encased natural gas pipeline will be attached to the downstream side of the County Road 375 North bridge over Ripley Creek to provide gas service to residences located west of the creek. No portion of the line or its support mechanism will extend below the low structure of the bridge. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
20. Utility Line - Underground (view example utility crossing project plan)
A 4" diameter water line will be placed beneath Buck Creek to expand public water service in the eastern portion of Marion County. The directionally bored line will have 4' of cover beneath the streambed and 3' in the banks. The bore pits will be restored to the predisturbance ground contours following construction. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
C. "Ditch" Reconstruction:
A new arm of Arnholt Ditch will be constructed to provide additional agricultural drainage. The new arm is located within ¼ mile of Mud Lake. The project will commence at the downstream side of County Road 700 West and will terminate 1,000' further downstream at Arnholt Ditch. An average of 4' of material will be excavated to create a ditch with a 3' bottom width, 2:1 sideslopes, and a 0.005% bottom slope throughout the project length. The excavated material will be sidecast and graded on the adjacent farm lands to a maximum depth of 6". An 80' long, 2' deep, channel width sediment trap will be excavated approximately 50' upstream of the confluence with Arnholt Ditch. Additional material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
Wyland Ditch will be reconstructed upstream of Sellers Lake to improve agricultural drainage. The project will commence at the downstream side of State Road 13 (Station 0+00) and will terminate 1,400' further downstream (Station 14+00, 100' upstream of Sellers Lake). An average of 1' to 2' of material will be removed from the ditch to create a 4' bottom width, 3:1 sideslopes, and a 0.007% bottom slope throughout the project length. The excavated material will be sidecast and graded on the adjacent lands to a maximum depth of 6". A 100' long sediment trap will be excavated between Stations 6+00 and 7+00 and between Stations 13+00 and 14+00. Both traps will be approximately 2' deep and 4' wide. Supportive material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
D. Lake Michigan:
A new breakwater will be constructed within the commercial harbor to reduce wave energy. It will be approximately 500' long and will consist of 50,000 yd³ clean stone fill contained in a steel sheet piling bulkhead. The structure will cover approximately 1.8 acres of the lakebed. Plans, specifications, and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
Approximately 3,500' of the existing 150' wide channel will be dredged to a depth of 27' below the lake's low water datum of 577.5 ft, IGLD to improve the channel's navigability. Approximately 105,000 yd³ of material will be removed via a floating hydraulic dredge. The excavated material will be piped to a detention area where it will be dewatered before being transported to an offsite landfill. The decanted water will be treated in an on-site wastewater treatment facility prior to returning it to Lake Michigan. Additional material is contained in the plans, specifications and color photographs enclosed in the application package.
A new 55' steel sheet piling seawall will be constructed along the applicant's frontage to minimize erosion. The driven piling wall will have a top elevation of 593.0 ft, IGLD and a base elevation of approximately 569.0 ft, IGLD. A 10" steel I-beam whaler will be bolted to the wall's lakeward face and tied back with 1" tie-rods attached to deadmen. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
E. Navigable Waterway:
A fiber optic communications line encased in a protective housing will be suspended across the stream to provide enhanced telephone and data service to the area. A 40' high steel support tower will be constructed at existing grade approximately 100' landward of the top of bank on each side of the stream. Each tower base will be surrounded by a 6' high chain link fence covering a 20' by 20' area. The low point of the line under maximum wind and temperature conditions will be approximately 25' above the stream's normal water level. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
F. Public Freshwater Lake:
A new concrete boat ramp will be constructed along 15' of the applicant's 100' frontage at Westler Lake to provide enhanced recreational access. The ramp will extend approximately 50' lakeward of, and will conform to, the lake's legal shoreline. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
A new boat well will be constructed within the property boundaries of 153 EMS Lane A7 on Snow Lake to provide a mooring area for the applicant's boat. The new well will be 3' deep, 10' wide, and will extend 20' landward of the lake's legal shoreline. The 3 landward sides of the new well will be stabilized with a concrete seawall. The wall will consist of reinforced, poured inplace concrete which will be sloped on the lakeward side. It will be 40" high and will vary uniformly in thickness from 30" to 12" from the base to the top. The well will be excavated "in the dry" and will not be connected to the lake until the area has been stabilized against erosion. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
An existing boat well will be cleaned out at 427 Lake View Lane on Sechrist Lake to reestablish a mooring area for the applicant's boat. The existing, 15' wide well extends 20' landward of the lake's legal shoreline. A dragline will be used to remove a 2' depth of accumulated sediment and debris from the bottom to restore the well's original 5' depth. The excavated material will be placed on the applicant's property, graded to a depth of 6" and stabilized with a lawn seed mixture. Supportive material and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
4. Boat Well - Fill
An existing boat well located on Lot 27 in the Lake Haven Addition on Sawmill Lake will be filled to provide additional lawn area. A concrete seawall will be constructed across the well's 20' frontage to contain the fill material. The wall will consist of reinforced, poured inplace concrete which will be sloped on the lakeward side. It will be 40" high and will vary uniformly in thickness from 30" to 12" from the base to the top. The lakeward face of the wall will be located along the lake's legal shoreline. The well will be filled with clean material once the seawall has been constructed. Color photographs and additional information are enclosed in the application package.
An existing 50' wide, 200' long channel off Lake Tippecanoe will be restored to its original condition to improve navigation. Approximately 3' of accumulated muck and debris will be removed from the channel bed by dredging to a depth of 6' below the lake's legal level at the center of the channel and sloping uniformly to a depth of 3' at the shoreline. The excavated material will be transported to an upland containment area for dewatering and disposal. Water from the containment area will not be allowed to return to the lake. Color photographs, plans and specifications are enclosed in the application package.
An existing 40' wide channel along the north shore of High Lake will undergo maintenance dredging along 300' of the shoreline to improve navigation. Approximately 1' of accumulated muck and debris will be removed from the lake bed by dredging to a depth of 4' below the lake's legal level at distance of 40' from the shoreline and uniformly sloping back to the lake's legal level at the shoreline. The excavated material will be transported to an upland containment area for dewatering and disposal. Water from the containment area will not be allowed to return to the lake. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
7. Fish Attractor
A fish attractor will be installed in front of Lot 39, Lake Breeze Addition, on Crystal Lake to enhance fishing in the area. The attractor will be placed approximately 30' offshore in 10' to 15' of water. It will consist of a 3' tall by 10' diameter brushpile composed of old Christmas trees. The pile will be bound together with #9 wire and will be weighted to the bottom with concrete blocks. Supportive material and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
A temporary pier will be placed in Coldwater Lake in front of the applicant's property to provide an access and mooring site. The 3' wide aluminum pier will extend 60' lakeward of, and perpendicular to, the lake's legal shoreline. It will be supported by 3½" auger poles which will be turned into the lakebed using hand held tools. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
A new seawall will be constructed across 82' of the applicant's 102' frontage along Cedar Lake to deter further shoreline erosion. The wall will consist of reinforced, poured inplace concrete which will be sloped on the lakeward side. It will be 40" high and will vary uniformly in thickness from 30" to 12" from the base to the top. The wall's lakeward face will be at the lake's legal shoreline. A 12" wide layer of glacial stone will be placed at the base of the wall for toe protection. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
10. Seawall - New Glacial Stone
A new seawall will be constructed along the frontage of Lot 22, Harbor Cove addition at Simonton Lake to deter further shoreline erosion. The wall will be composed of 2" to 12" diameter glacial stone and will be approximately 120' long. Its lakeward face will be at the lake's legal shoreline. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
11. Seawall - Reface (view example seawall reface plan)
An existing concrete seawall will be refaced across a portion of the applicant's 102' frontage in the Sunset Vista addition at Webster Lake to prevent further deterioration. The refacing will begin at the eastern property line and will extend west for 52'. It will consist of reinforced, poured inplace concrete which will be tied to the existing wall with steel reinforcing rods. The refacing will have a maximum thickness of 12" and will be sloped on the lakeward side. A 12" wide layer of glacial stone will be placed at the base of the wall for toe protection. A 36" wide concrete walkway will be constructed on top and landward of the lakeward face of the refaced wall. Plans and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.
12. Underwater Beach - Existing
An existing underwater beach will be improved in front of the applicant's property on James Lake to prevent further beach erosion. A 4" layer of 7/64" diameter clean, washed pea gravel will be placed directly on top of the remaining sand. The placement will begin approximately 20' south of the northern property line and will extend southerly across 40' of the 80' frontage. It will project lakeward for the lessor of 30' or a depth of 6' below the lake's legal level. Color photographs and plans are enclosed in the application package.
A new underwater beach will be constructed in front of 327 EMS Lane 9 on Cedar Lake to provide an area suitable for swimming. The beach will consist of a 4" to 6" thick layer of 7/64" clean, washed pea gravel placed directly on the lakebed. The beach will begin approximately 40' east of the western property line and will extend easterly across 30' of the 100' frontage. It will have a maximum lakeward projection of 25'. Color photographs and plans are enclosed in the application package.
G. Sand and Gravel Mining:
1. A floating hydraulic suction dredge will be used to perform maintenance dredging around the water intake facility at the Anderson Generating Station along the east bank of the Wabash River to improve the plant's operating efficiency. Approximately 1,500 yd³ of silt and sand will be removed from a 100' x 200' area to a depth of 2' below the current riverbed. The excavated material will be piped to a detention area where it will be dewatered. Adequate detention time will be provided to allow the suspended sediments to settle out of the decanted water before returning the water to the river. The dewatered silt and sand will be transported to a site on the plant property where it will be used as fill for a building pad. Plans, specifications and color photographs are enclosed in the application package.