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Property Owner Information
2-3-1 Name and Address
2-3-2 Right to Use and / or Affect
2-3-3 Example Property Owner Information
Provide sufficient property owner information to allow Department staff to contact the owner(s) by mail. Include the following information:
2-3-1 Name and Address:
A. If the applicant(s) own the property on which the project will be or has been constructed, state that the property is owned by the applicant(s) and provide the property owner(s) name(s), i.e. the applicant(s), as shown on the deed or title, on the application form.
B. If the applicant(s) do not own the property on which the project will be or has been constructed, state that the property is not owned by the applicant(s) and provide the property owner(s) name(s), as shown on the deed or title, and the complete mailing address on the application form.
- If there are multiple owners, state the property is under multiple ownership on the application form and provide the names of all property owners, as shown on the deed or title, and their complete mailing addresses on a separate page.
2-3-2 Right To Use And/Or Affect:
A. If the applicant(s) do not own the property on which the project will be or has been constructed and/or the property which will be or has been affected by the project, submit a copy of the legal document(s) giving the applicant(s) the right to use and/or affect the property with the application.
2-3-3 Example Property Owner Information:
A. Single Applicant: Property is owned by the applicant
- Application Form - The property is owned by the applicant
John A. Peters
B. Single Applicant: Property is under single ownership by someone other than the applicant
- Application Form - The property is not owned by the applicant
John A. and Amanda G. Troyer, husband and wife
3591 US 31 South
Seymour, Indiana 47274
C. Single Applicant: Property is under multiple ownership by individuals other than the applicant
- Application Form - The property is under multiple ownership, see the attached page.
- Separate Page -
Property Owners:James R. and June C. Gambleson, husband and wife
R.R. 1, Box 49
Greensburg, Indiana 47240Robert C. Smith
R.R. 1, Box 53
Greensburg, Indiana 47240Paul A. and Mary G. Overmeyer, husband and wife
R.R. 1, Box 57
Greensburg, Indiana 47240Constance C. Lewis
R.R. 1, Box 62
Greensburg, Indiana 47240
D. Multiple Applicants: Property is owned by the applicants
- Application Form - The property is owned by the applicants
Jeffery A. Robinson
Allison R. Williams
E. Multiple Applicants - Property is owned by someone other than the applicants
- Application Form The property is not owned by the applicants
Paul G. Anderson
973 Shelbyville Road
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
F. Multiple Applicants - Property is under multiple ownership by individuals other than the applicants
- Application Form The property is under multiple ownership, see the attached page.
- Separate Page
Property Owners:
Gerald A. and Pamela S. Gutherie, husband and wife
7689 South Poplar Street
Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933Richard A. Mosley
325 North Elm Street
Greencastle, Indiana 46135