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Water Shortage Task Force

January 30, 2009 Meeting Summary

A meeting of the Water Shortage Task was held on January 30, 2009, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (EST) in Conference Room 1 of the IGCS in Indianapolis. The following is a brief summary of discussion topics, presentations, suggested action items, motions, and a proposed agenda for the upcoming February 27, 2009, task force meeting:

Discussion/Presentation Items:

  1. A Motion was made by the Task Force to support the letter to Dr. Rao Govindaraju, Department of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, regarding a proposed project for drought evaluations in the state. The Motion was approved.
  2. General information was provided to the task force regarding the following:
  3. Discussion of Regional Water Supply Planning:
    • A presentation on “Regional Water Supply Planning” was made by Jack Wittman, Water Shortage Task Force Member.
    • Regional planning should address how water resource will be allocated during a water shortage.
    • Task Force subcommittee should be formed to recommend “phased” regional planning and to develop a resolution stressing the need for planning in the state.
    • Task Force should recommend criteria for water planning rather than identifying specific regions.
    • Water supply planning is always important as state prepares for growth. Supply and demand must be included in planning efforts. No water shortage will exist without demand.
    • State of Illinois identified water demand prior to identifying regional water planning areas.
    • House Bill 1224 requires water supply planning in Indiana to be done by Drinking Water Task Force. Jack Wittman recommends funded programs to finish the task rather than the formation of a new task force.
    • Most water planning efforts of eastern US states were driven by droughts/water shortages that occurred within each state or surrounding states.
    • It may be more appropriate to initially have state water plan that would include a water shortage component.
    • The task force must provide a tangible result. A conference could be conducted when the Water Shortage Plan is completed to create interest and provide information to the public. Legislators and public need to be engaged in water supply planning efforts.
    • IURC is requiring six largest public water supply utilities to develop conservation plans as a part of rate increase requests.
    • DLZ Indiana, LLC has been evaluating best approach for central Indiana water supply utilities to pursue water supply planning. DLZ believes that a cooperative agreement between utilities may be the best approach as compared to the development of a Service Advisory Board or Regional Water Authority.
  4. A conference call will be conducted prior to the next WSTF Meeting to discuss Water Use Priorities.

Upcoming Task Force Meeting:

Next Water Shortage Task Force Meeting scheduled for Friday, February 27, 2009, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (EST) in Conference Room 4 of the IGCS. Tentative agenda items include:

  • Discussion of Water Use Priorities;
  • Discussion of Statewide Water Conservation Policy; and
  • Discussion of Base Flow Policy.