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IDOA is committed to revitalizing Indiana's economy. A key component of this endeavor is for state government to invest in and support those firms that have made, and continue to make, significant economic investment in Indiana. The Buy Indiana initiative, established by Executive Order 05-05, sets a goal for state agencies to procure 90 cents ($.90) of each dollar from Indiana businesses.

Defining an Indiana Business

An entity qualifies as an Indiana business if it meets any one of the five conditions as set out in I.C. 5-22-15-20.5(b).

  1. A business whose principal place of business is located in Indiana
  2. A business that pays a majority of its payroll (in dollar volume) to residents of Indiana
  3. A business that employs Indiana residents as a majority of its employees
  4. A business that makes significant capital investments in Indiana as defined below
  5. A business that has a substantial positive economic impact on Indiana as defined below

Significant Capital Investment

Any company that can demonstrate a minimum capital investment in Indiana of $5 million or more in plant and/or equipment or annual lease payments in Indiana of $2.5 million or more shall qualify as an Indiana business under I.C. 5-22-15-20.5 (b)(4).

Substantial Positive Economic Impact on Indiana

Any company that is in the top 500 companies for one of the following categories: number of employees (DWD), unemployment taxes (DWD), payroll withholding taxes (DOR), or corporate income taxes (DOR); shall qualify as an Indiana business under I.C. 5-22-15-20.5(b)(5).

Procurement Methods and Basis for Award

Bids - follows the process set forth in statute - I.C. 5-22-15-20.5

Depending on the size of the state's purchase, the Buy Indiana preference is applied as follows:

1% on purchase of $1 million and up
3% on 500,000 to $1 million purchases
5% on purchases valued at less than 500,000

Request for Proposals and Professional Services - uses a revised scoring system for determining the award as follows:

Management Assessment/Quality 45 pts.
Price 35 pts.
Buy Indiana Company 5 pts.
Veteran's Business Enterprise 5 pts.
MWBE Requirement 
5 pts. each for Women and Minority participation
10 pts.
Total 100 pts.
No commitment for XBE will result in -1 pt.
+1 bonus pt. will be awarded for the highest XBE.

How to Qualify Your Business

If you have previously registered your business with IDOA:

Supplier Portal - Buy Indiana Application process

Update your existing Bidder Profile.
Click on the link titled Buy Indiana. Please select the appropriate condition for your business in which you have received email confirmation. You may only select one condition. The next step is to certify the selection by clicking the check box next to the certification paragraph. Once this is complete, please save your selection and exit your account.

If you need assistance accessing your bidder profile, click the Report an Issue button on the Supplier Portal homepage to submit an issue to our support team.

If you have not previously registered with IDOA:

Create your Bidder Profile. 
Instruction videos are provided on the Supplier Portal Help Center web page.

Buy Indiana Certification List

Buy Indiana Certification List
This spreadsheet has a list of businesses currently certified under BUY INDIANA and the approval/expiration date of their certification. 

Buy Indiana Directory

Buy Indiana Directory
To be listed on the Buy Indiana Directory you must first register your business with the Department of Administration.


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