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Advisory Opinions

Procedure re: Persons Named as Lobbyists
on another Lobbyist's Activity or Registration Reports

Indiana Lobby Registration Commission

(Ratification vote taken at public meeting of June 2, 1998)

Chairman Bepko - yes
Vice-Chairman Krahulik - yes
Commissioner Abbs - yes
Commissioner Hicks - yes

Questions and written comments may be directed to: 
Indiana Lobby Registration Commission,
115 W. Washington, Suite 1375, Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-9860

The following procedure will be used when a person has been identified as a compensated or employer lobbyist on another lobbyist's registration form or activity report:

  1. Executive Director/Counsel will first try to resolve the issue by contacting the named person through telephone and regular mail.

  2. If the matter is not resolved, Executive Director/Counsel will send a certified letter to the named person, stating the letter serves notice under the statute of an apparent error/violation and the Commission requests the person to take action.

  3. If the matter is not resolved, Executive Director/Counsel will bring the matter before the Commission and it will decide what additional steps to take and whether to convene a formal hearing and hear evidence on the matter. A hearing could be convened whether or not the party appears. The results of a hearing would determine whether the Commission refers the matter to the appropriate prosecutor.