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Advisory Opinions

Whether non-compensated, volunteer lobbying services donated to the World Police and Fire Games 2001 event should be reported and, if so, how?

Indiana Lobby Registration Commission

(Ratification vote taken at public meeting of May 23, 2000)


Chairman Abbs -
Vice-Chairman Krahulik -
Commissioner Bepko -
Commissioner Heeke -

Questions and written comments may be directed to Indiana Lobby Registration Commission, 10 W Market St, Ste 1760, Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-9860

The World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) is currently registered as an employer lobbyist. It has filed its report as an "informational" filing only. WPFG has requested an advisory opinion regarding whether it has a statutory duty to register and report as an Indiana lobbyist.

The facts, as presented by WPFG that the WPFG is a non-profit entity, which organizes an event participated in every four years by police and fire fighters from around the globe. The event is held in a different location similar to the Pan American games or the Olympics. The 2001 event is to be held in Indianapolis. WPFG has many committees to meet this task, with each committee being voluntarily staffed. There is a significant expense involved in hosting the event. The event requires a direct appropriation from the federal budget. The event also requires an appropriation from the host state; in this case the State of Indiana. There are registered lobbyists who donate lobbying services to WPFG for the purpose of securing this legislative appropriation. Those lobbyists are otherwise registered lobbyists, and the donated lobbying services to WPFG did not cause their registration. None of the lobbyists is compensated by WPFG for lobbying efforts. No expenses are reimbursed by WPFG to the lobbyists. WPFG may incur some direct expenditures relating to lobbying (receptions, etc.).

Based on the given facts, there is no statutory duty for a lobbyist who volunteers lobbying services to the WPFG to register and report that activity. WPFG need not register and report unless it incurs lobbying expenditures. If another lobbyist incurs expenditures on behalf of WPFG relating to lobbying, then it must report that amount.